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Port Charles Update for Friday, 16-Feb-2001

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Fri, 16-Feb-2001 3:56:05 PM PST

Allison and Jamal begin our show still at the burnt out motorcycle shop, Allison helpfully explains it was in a fire. Jamal is not “down” with this deal (I am taking it that’s a bad thing.) Gabby wants Arianna to gab with her, Arianna needs a friend, Gabby needs to talk, they are a matched set. Arianna explains that Ben wants her to have Ian’s baby. Ian meanwhile will not fight with Kevin even if Kevin informs him that Ian doesn’t deserve Eve. Eve says “Surprise” to a surprised Lucy and informs her she did indeed hear Lucy trash her. Eve accuses Lucy of being too spineless to say anything to her face. She urges Lucy to “bring it on” (all these catchy slogans being thrown at us.) Lucy does, delighting in telling Eve that Eve ruins people’s lives – hers and Ian’s and Kevin’s. On a roll, she also accuses Eve of being selfish and incapable of love. When Eve tries to leave, Lucy stands her ground, after all she’s only getting warmed up. However Eve’s being left downright cold so she pushes by Lucy, causing Lucy to hit the back of her head on the bathroom wall. Lucy sinks to the floor.

Jamal is not about to take Nana’s money, but then neither is Allison. She made a deal with Frank’s friend to fix the place up, run the business and split the profits. However Jamal’s not automatically in, first he has to pass an interview. Jamal first demonstrates his vast knowledge of valves and smoke and what-not. Then he swears he will be very un-Fonzie and let his one-and-only girl into his shop anytime she wants to come visit. Jamal thinks he’s home free, but there is one more thing he has to do says Allison. Arianna explains to Gabby that she needs the child as proof her and Ian’s marriage is real and that she hasn’t shared this bit of news with Ian yet. Gabby realizes that Ben isn’t the only one that wants Arianna pregnant with Ian’s baby – so does Arianna.

Ian tries to explain to Kevin that his life is none of Kevin’s business but Kevin is perplexed how Ian could tell someone he loves them and then turn their whole world inside out and marry someone else (oh my is that a kettle I see? Pot? Kevin???). Kevin will never believe Ian gives a damn about Eve. Ian thinks Eve deserves the world and he states that he didn’t ask Eve to be with him, that Eve came on her own. Kevin wants Ian to do everyone a favor and go play hero somewhere else (maybe where it’s warm and Ian could wear less shirts and – oops did I say that out loud?). Eve gives Lucy ice for her aching head and informs her she should go to the hospital. Eve’s sorry – that you didn’t kill me supplies Lucy. Nice just isn’t a word Lucy would use to describe Eve. Nice women, after all, keep their wedding vows. Aren’t you still married to Scott points out Eve (oh it’s another kettle I see – pot – Lucy???). Lucy never hurt Kevin the way Eve did (actually he didn’t seem too hurt by Eve to me, he seemed to recover from the breakup remarkably quickly). Eve accuses Lucy of using her “death” to get Kevin to bed. Lucy agrees that they are both sort of horrible, Eve would rather Lucy speak for herself. Lucy points out that they are both absolutely alone.

Jamal has to pass a physical, one that requires him to lose his shirt. Sexual harassment suggests Jamal? You betcha is Allison’s response, and they both work on satisfying Allison (and Jamal too not so incidentally.) Jamal agrees to lay it on Allison (yet another catchy slogan.) Eve calls it pathetic, the way she and Lucy are reduced to having catfights in the bathroom. Lucy does one of her mystic speeches about tarot cards and mixed-up stars until Eve asks for the English translation, which turns out to be – that they cannot just sit around feeling sorry for themselves. They have to commit to a plan and stop getting themselves in the same stupid situations. Eve admits for the first time ever, Lucy makes sense. Eve knows what she has to do.

Arianna admits to caring for Ian, he makes her feel safe. She really liked Ian’s kiss, she always wondered what a kiss felt like (kissing unmarriedly is not allowed in her mythical kingdom by the sea – wrong story.) Gabby wonders if Arianna has confused kissing with loving someone. Kevin – still outside in the cold with Ian – explains that Ian doesn’t deserve Eve because he’s not good for her. He demands to know what Ian’s marriage is all about, but Ian isn’t getting into that with Kevin. Kevin orders Ian to stay away from Eve (‘cause heaven forbid she’d be allowed to speak for herself) and gets one parting shot in about if Ian loved Eve he would prove it by staying away (Kevin’s stock in trade – guilt.) Ian orders an Irish whiskey and then decides to take the whole bottle on a walk with him. Arianna looks over at him from a now very uncrowded room as he leaves – Happy Valentine’s Day indeed.

When we peek back in at Allison and Jamal, clothes are scattered everywhere and they are barely covered on a really tacky looking couch. Allison commends Jamal on giving good – interviews. They discuss how it is possible his Mom pulled a few strings for them. Allison doesn’t need anything else, just Jamal. Eve is leaving on a jet plane – flight number 110 to be exact. She is disappointed when a man she mistakes for Ian isn’t. Ian drinks alone at the Scanlon’s doorstep. Eve whispers goodbye to Ian and goes to board her plane. Arianna joins Ian outside; he’s planning to stay there until his friend (whiskey) is gone. Arianna needs to talk to Ian about babies, but Ian is more interested in waxing poetic about snow lighting up the night. Arianna unpoetically just feels cold. Ian can’t feel a thing so he takes his coat off and wraps Arianna in it and then his arms around her for an extra boost of warmth. Arianna is apparently feeling very warm because she can’t quite meet Ian’s gaze. Ian softly tells Arianna not to look away and then kisses her. A non-intern doctor comes to see Lucy who is also complaining about nausea and dizziness and tiredness, all of which have been going on for a while. It’s not the head injury then says the good non-intern doctor. What could it be wonders the unknowing Lucy? Well gee, says the man with the medical degree, could you be pregnant? Lucy’s eyes open wide and on that delicious possibility, we are over.


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