Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Monday, 19-Feb-2001

Author: flapwoman
Posting date: Sun, 27-May-2001 8:24:18 PM PST

Karen is at a nurses' station. Frank comes along and asks her to have a romantic evening with him. She makes several suggestions, but he has his own idea. He wants her to come to his garage to see the old computer. Seeing that she is less than enthusiastic, Frank says that they will also go to dinner and rent Karen's favorite movie. Karen is surprised to see Rhonda come along. Rhonda calls Frank Joe and after Frank walks away, she asks Karen to have dinner tonight. Karen says she has plans. Rhonda puts on a pouty face. She says she thinks it's strange that Karen is seeing Frank after she was engaged to Joe. Karen explains that Joe is ok with it. Rhonda worries about Karen being with someone who was hooked on drugs so soon after she kicked her addiction. When Karen mentions her mother's drinking problem, Rhonda gets insulted and walks away. When Frank returns, he is talking about their romantic evening. Karen says she can't be with him. Frank says something about her working a double shift. Karen says that she wished she could have said no. Frank is understanding. He says that they'll reschedule, but sees a change in Karen's demeanor.

Lucy is shocked to hear that the doctor who is examining her at General Hospital thinks she could be pregnant. She checks her calendar and realizes her last period was before Christmas. The doctor asks if she has been active and she shouts out "Doc" and runs out, bumping into Kevin. He asks why she is at GH. She nervously babbles about being there on business but Kevin sees right through her. The ER doctor comes out and tells Lucy that he wants to run tests on her. She motions to him not to say anything else, but it's too late. Kevin wants to know what tests are going to be taken. What is wrong with Lucy? Lucy gets very emotional. She tells Kevin that she is pregnant and it is his child. It's a miracle after her miscarriages and then losing Christina. She thinks that Kevin hates her and now she's going to have his child. The whole dialogue turns out to be Lucy's fantasy. She snaps out of it. Kevin is still asking her what's wrong. They have a loud, emotional dialogue, ending with Lucy telling Kevin that she is there for a bump on the head she received when Eve pushed her into a wall during an argument about Kevin. Lucy tells Kevin to leave her alone. She looks down at her belly and says to it that it's just the two of them.

Eve sits on the plane and hears Ian's voice pledging his undying love earlier in the evening. She says "I'll always love you, Ian." Meanwhile, Ian is kissing Arianna outside the Scanlon house. He is kissing her over and over and over. Finally, Ian backs off, telling Arianna that she is a desirable woman and that some man will love her one day. She is obviously disappointed but says she will always be grateful to him. She lets him know that she saw him kissing Eve earlier. Eve is daydreaming about when she and Ian were at the cabin, and he was telling her about his island paradise. Arianna tells Ian that Ben will never let her alone unless she has Ian's baby. Ian senses her desperation and frustration. Eve continues daydreaming about being in the cabin with Ian. He is telling her that the islanders believe that lovers on the island have been there in a past life and will be lovers for eternity. Eve wants him to take her in this lifetime. She snaps back to reality when she hears the plane is ready to land. Ian tells Arianna that he is going to go and confront Ben. Arianna doesn't want him to, remembering what happened the last time Ian and Ben fought. Ian rushes off.

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