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Port Charles Update for Friday, 23-Feb-2001

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Fri, 23-Feb-2001 4:45:20 PM PST

The bike shop is almost back in business again and Jamal and Allison couldn’t be happier about that (as long as they don’t plan sleeping upstairs, they should be okay.) Allison gets to play perky (or is that spunky?) secretary when the phone rings, but all she gets in return is a dial tone. Which is followed very quickly by another phone call where there again is no answer to her queries. Look out callers, Allison is looking seriously ticked. Eve is still on fire (the fever kind, not the literal kind) and The Chief’s wife tells her to hang on, healer on the way and that she was loved. Eve in the meantime is back in the 40’s complete with nurse’s uniform and her true-love soldier boy Ian. Ian informs Eve that nothing will keep him from her. Kevin, nervous, asks Lucy if he can’t get her anything because he would like to do something other than take up space (but he does that so darn well...). It’s zero hour and Kevin promises to pace aimlessly. Lucy is ready to find out she’s not pregnant. Not asks Kevin? Not says Lucy. Kevin gives her a big ole hug.

Allison, never one to be trifled with, mutters that Star 69 never works especially when the callers have them blocked. Allison decides it’s the paint fumes making her jumpy and wonders if they could please take a break now. They decide to take their first customer’s motorcycle out for a test ride. Jack arrives, ready to check out their new place and Allison and Jamal leave him to it (Allison oh-so-helpfully suggesting that if Jack sees anything that needs to be done that he should feel free – hope springs eternal I guess.) Jamal suggests that Jack leave the door open to air away the fumes but once Allison and Jamal are gone there are shadows on the door. Probably not a good thing. Chief informs his wife that the healer is still not there, and admonishes his little wife for giving Eve whatever it was that she gave her. Wife explains that the whatever it is (you can see I pay really close attention to names of things huh) works in mysterious ways and that Eve can pass (not talking about gas apparently) with a lighter heart. Meanwhile back in the land of long ago, Eve is explaining to Soldier Boy Ian that they can be married next week, but Ian only has a few days. Ian hates the bloody war, hates anything that keeps him from her (have I mentioned the uniform fits him really well?). Ian loves Eve more than life. Big kiss. Kevin aimlessly paces just like he said he would (a man of his word) wondering what is taking Lucy so long. Lucy, all downtrodden, comes in and tells him that she is not surprised (neither am I, but I must say I am almost as unhappy about this as Lucy is.) Kevin hugs Lucy once the realization sets in that there is no baby.

Back in the island of time forgotten, Ian and Eve discuss how beautiful it is. The island will always be special to both of them. Eve promises that once the war is over they will be married. Ian promises that no matter what happens they will be together – for always (you can almost here the bell of doom ringing.) They kiss (that’s how you know their scenes are over – not that I blame Eve for kissing him every chance she gets...). Kevin tells Lucy that he is sorry and that he wishes there was more he can do. Lucy states that having a baby is the only thing she’s ever wanted. Kevin, trying very hard to be comforting, tells her it could still happen. Lucy wonders if Kevin thinks this was “just” a false alarm. Every time she and he have made love it has felt like a mistake. They feel guilty afterwards, they feel the need to apologize, they swear it will never happen again. That’s true admits Kevin but – but nothing Lucy butts in. Kevin knows how much this means to her, does he want to help her dream come true? Now works for Lucy. Kevin, unsure how to handle Lucy’s outburst hesitates and Lucy accepts that as a no so maybe Kevin wants to help her find someone else to make her pregnant – Jack perhaps? Kevin tells Lucy she’s made her point but Lucy doesn’t think so – if Kevin doesn’t want her to have sex with him or with anyone else then maybe a sperm bank is the solution – heck they can even go together. Kevin almost pleads for Lucy to stop. Stop what? Lucy asks angrily. Stop losing control? Stop being angry? It’s your turn to stop Doc –and she wants him to stop right now. (And if you missed these scenes, and the scenes coming up, you missed proof positive why Jon and Lynn are two of the greatest assets PC – or the soap world in general – have going for them.)

Jamal and Allison stand outside, in front of the motorcycle, Jamal promises to keep Allison warm but Allison trusts her coat more. Jamal is ready to look only to the future, no looking back. Allison worriedly brings up the subject of Travis but Jamal foolishly assures her that is a finished and done subject. Travis has a gray-striped future, while Allison and Jamal’s is multicolored. They agree to run the business together, Allison being Jamal’s secretary (hopefully a better one that she is a waitress), but first Ally needs to learn about motorcycles beginning with how to drive them (I guess that’s the word, actually you kind of steer don’t you?). Jamal, who apparently hasn’t lived in soapland long enough to know that you never ever say something like this out loud, informs Spunky that everything is going their way (now I know I hear the bells of Doom). Proof positive, the bell ringers themselves, Travis and Flunkie are trading “You aren’t supposed to be here”s with Jack. They begin to trash the place and Jack picks up a – you know a motorcycle shop tool thingie – to stop them.

Meanwhile back at Lucy’s house Kevin is still trying to make things better for Lucy, even if he is saying and doing all the wrong things. All Lucy can see that Kevin is doing is patting her on her head and giving her false hope, and making this harder for her. She doesn’t want his words of comfort, she knows that a baby – with or without Kevin – will never be a part of her life, but the knowing doesn’t stop the hoping. She really thought she was pregnant this time, that she would have their baby after all this time. Kevin knows this hurts, but Lucy doesn’t think he knows how much it hurts. Kevin can’t help her; she doesn’t want him to suggest they might have a future. Sooner or later Lucy will say or do something wrong and Kevin will yell about roller coasters, ask Lucy why she is always doing the wrong thing, or tell her to stop trusting the universe. Lucy has to stop, Kevin is always yelling about her being a roller coaster, it’s time for him to get off. Tear up his pass, throw away his ticket. She is shutting it down (Lucy has tears in her eyes, Kevin looks sad and stunned.) It’s over between them, Lucy says, and she wants Kevin to walk out, walk away, and not to look back and don’t wonder about her and above all don’t give a damn about her. Kevin steps toward her and Lucy steps back – she never wants Kevin to touch her again.

Chief says fire in Eve is too strong and that her body will soon be just that but the Wife thinks she heard something outside so Chief goes to check and see if it’s the healer. Back in remember when, Eve is getting a telegram from another nurse. Her guy is dead. Eve moans no no no as back in the real world (relatively speaking) Ian shows up in the tent (gee what are the odds of that?) And that’s it for this show – hope you enjoyed the update!

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