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Port Charles Update for Friday, 2-Mar-2001

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Fri, 02-Mar-2001 4:35:06 PM PST

The end of Fate – it was truly meant to be.

Kevin stands on the hospital roof, remembering his last encounter and “final” goodbye with Lucy. Lucy informs a traveling balloon man that it’s much too late for balloons (it’s also much too late for goodbyes – or so I hope.) Eve and Ian continue their kiss-a-thon, Eve wants to get lost in Ian and to know him body and soul (and body and body and...) Eve takes off his wedding ring as they keep on kissing. Meanwhile back at the Scanlon’s, Frank is getting ticked at Nellie who he is beginning to feel is neither inanimate nor undefensive. Frank explains to Karen that fixing Nellie is very important to him, because he made her a promise he would and he wants to keep his promise. Karen suggests turning Nellie into a fish tank (computer killer!) but Frank is not about to give up. He’s no quitter and he’s gonna prove that to Karen.

Kevin is still at the top of the hospital and still flashing back (just in case we viewers have the world’s shortest attention spans). The flashbacks include Lucy speaking of Prince Charming and babies and how cotton candy and balloon dreams weren’t meant to be and then a big light bulb appears over Kevin’s head and he heads off the roof (well a figurative light bulb anyway.) Lucy sits on the park bench and has flashbacks of her own (don’t you love how they are always in synch?). Lucy is remembering her childhood; little girl Lucy and not-quite-as-mature Charlene talking about balloons and how Charlene can’t afford the carnival right now but someday all of Lucy’s dreams will come true. Lucy tells herself (her today self) that this is her wake-up call, time to stop dreaming. Eve and Ian make love (many different ways or so it appears - gee I can’t figure out why PC got that “too sexy for my tv” award...).

Karen and Frank discuss Frank’s creep of a past, but now Frank has nothing to prove to Karen – so says she. They feel like little kids when they are together, which is something they never got to feel like as children. Frank feels lucky that Karen is around, because she’s so beautiful and smart. And Karen decides to quit hiding behind the computer (which although very large is much smaller than she is so therefore very hard to hide behind) and admits that she won’t miss the computer, it’s Frank that she will miss (she must have got a looksie at those biceps). Little Lucy asks (I can’t say Big she’ll kill me) Grown-Up Lucy if she really has to give up her dreams and Grown-up Lucy says yes, because dreams can end up hurting you and the world can let you down big time. Sometimes people that you love just don’t love you back. Lucy decides it’s time she and the little girl inside her go their separate ways and Little Lucy fades away as Bi – oops I mean Grown-Up Lucy leaves the park.

Eve dreamt about this moment a million times (which just about equals how many times E/I have kissed – counting flashbacks and flashbacks of flashbacks and flashbacks that weren’t flashbacks and...). She is worried about going back to PC and Ian’s wife. Ian again explains that Eve belongs with him. Eve knows this because they have been together before. Maya enters the room as Ian and Eve wonder if they were together when there was no war or faxes or phones (or Ariannas). Eve doesn’t want to go back, she is afraid of what awaits them in Port Charles. So is Maya who is creating a concoction, but she can give Eve and Ian their past.
Lucky us.

A sad Lucy is home; wondering if moping is best accomplished in the dark (the correct answer is yes by the way). However Lucy makes the incredibly right decision of turning on her lights – and joy of joys – the room is filled with balloons – and you guessed it – cotton candy. Not to mention Kevin who comes armed with both. (and the sound you hear is the Schmucks rising up to dance in the streets). Kevin hopes Lucy doesn’t mind (as if) but he decided to bring the carnival to her. Why? Asks a stunned and happy Lucy. Because Kevin doesn’t want Lucy to ever give up her dreams, never stop reaching for the stars – because Lucy makes him believe that he can reach them too (awww). Lucy is in tears and so am I as Kevin tells her that it was her strength that saw him through, that she was always there and waiting for him to catch up (looks like he finally finally has.) Lucy showed Kevin the world is full of goodness and surprises and hope (as Kevin hands her the cotton candy and the balloons in a most romantic way). Kevin wants to give Lucy some of that back. All he wants in return is for Lucy to never change.

And this is the very best part – so pay very close attention- Kevin loves the little girl in Lucy as much as he loves her – Lucy Coe. Lucy is almost scared to take it all in – does Kevin really love her? This isn’t some twisted reverse psychology thing? Kevin knows that Lucy knows that he does indeed love her – even when he couldn’t see it, she could. When Kevin is with Lucy he feels alive. Lucy wants Kevin to be sure he’s sure, she can’t go through losing him again (and neither can I). Kevin is right where he wants to be – with Lucy. Oh Doc (says the both of us.) They kiss as “Drift Away” begins to play (give me the beat boys and free my soul...). The song plays through Eve and Ian in their hut-ty bed, as Ian plants a flower in her hair and Kevin and Lucy feed each other cotton candy (Kevin taking his share straight from Lucy’s lips) and Karen and Frank dance. Karen reluctantly informs Frank she will miss her plane (she’s going to Memphis btw – my neck of the woods!). Karen has something for Frank to remember – kiss. Eve is having the most wonderful night of her entire life (apparently Kevy didn’t quite make the earth move under her feet), it’s been pure magic. Maya brings in little cups filled with the concoction and they drink to being soul mates. Frank definitely won’t forget that kiss. Nellie comes on by herself (do I detect a hint of jealousy?).

And Fate is Over folks – the next book (says the voice-over) is Time in a Bottle.

Tammy (the happiest of Schmucks)

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