Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Thursday, 15-Mar-2001

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Thu, 15-Mar-2001 10:33:35 PM PST

Frank has more cryptic conversations with the "computer-with-a-mind-of-its own" (I think they call her nellie!). He assumes someone is playing a trick on him but it just keeps talkin to him! And talkin....And talkin...

Karen is back in town and ran into Eve at the outdoor pizza shack. She is going to "surprise" Frank with a pizza. Eve shares her feelings about Ian and Karen shares her feelings about Frank, and tells her they got closer while she was away through their frequent phone calls. Eve tells Karen that she is afraid the longer Ian stays with Arianna, the harder it will be for her to let him go (ya THINK?????)

Ian urges Arianna to talk about the rape. She shares the whole story with him (very emotional) and he tells her he knows she is going to find someone someday who will love and care for her because of the wonderful person she is. Then,....she is all better (pretty quick recovery-I always thought Ian was a great doctor!) and Ian takes her home.

Frank has begun his "date" with the girl from yesterday that works at the Recovery Room and wants to see his computer (whatever!). They are eating and talking and she asks him if there is anyone special in his life now that courtney is gone. He tells her yes, and that perhaps their "date" was a mistake and he should take her home. She BEGS him to see his computer (ok-sure) and they leave together. Karen is seen at Franks talking to the computer....and pretty soon it might talk back!

On the next Port Charles...Livvie joins Allison, Jack and Jamal is helping keep the bike shop dream alive, and Karen and Frank gush over missing each other (I am anxious to see what happened with the date-is she hiding in the bushes???)

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