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Port Charles Update for Monday, 19-Mar-2001

Author: bradleyteach
Posting date: Mon, 19-Mar-2001 4:55:12 PM PST

Alison and Jamal return from the hospital to find a fixing-up party in full swing at Jamal’s garage – Jack, Livvie, Mary and Gabriela (and later, Joe) are there to help. After a St Patrick’s Day toast, Jack corners Livvie, up on a ladder and tries to figure out what’s going on inside her head. He tries to tell her to stop fighting what’s between them and she informs him that she doesn’t want any “us.” When he asks what it is she wants, she tells him she wants order in her life and not the crazy, out of control feelings that happen when she’s with him. Jack tells her he’s done trying.

Joe’s cell phone rings and he gets some exciting news from Alan Quartermaine – he has been selected to represent General Hospital at an HIV conference in London and he is taking Gabriela with him. It’s hard to tell which of them is more excited and they seem more pleased at getting to go away together than the fact that he was selected to represent GH at an international event. Gaby asks Joe how Arianna is and he predicts that however the Ian/Eve/Arianna situation plays out, that someone is going to get hurt.

Everyone at the bike shop is nervous when the building inspector returns, looking smug and ready to shut them down. He is astonished to find that they have made all the necessary repairs. There is great celebration when he gives the ok for them to open for business.

Frank is still obsessing over the computer messages; Karen tells him she’s tired of the computer talk. A message flashes across the screen but it’s lost before Karen can see it. Frank is desperate to prove to her that the messages really exist. She finally tells him that enough is enough, he’s ignoring her after she went to the trouble of coming home early from the conference to be with him. He apologizes for being a jerk. Karen goes home to freshen up and they plan on meeting up later. Frank turns back to Nellie and gets another message, this one saying “I can’t talk to you anymore.” Frank begs the computer for an explanation.

At the hospital, Eve tends to a young woman who cut her wrists in an apparent suicide attempt. According to the woman’s husband, she did this in response to him asking her for a divorce. Stacy, the young woman, appears desperate for her husband not to leave her side for a minute. Once Eve is done with her, she takes the husband aside and tells him the wounds are superficial and she does not think the attempt was serious. She questions whether Stacy has done this before, and her husband replies that she has threatened to – their marriage has been over for some time but she is fighting it. He admits to staying with her because he is afraid of what she’ll do – how can he leave her when she is in this state?

Arianna tells Ian that leaving him is not a solution to her problems. He reminds him that the marriage is just for how, but she tells him it’s not that way for her. She questions how he can’t realize how she feels. He tries to tell her that she’s confused and that she’s confusing love with gratitude. Arianna insists that she knows her feelings, that she loves him and that the marriage is real for her. He tells Arianna that he cares very much for her but that he’s in love with Eve and that she knew this from the start. Ian tells her that love is about your feelings being reciprocated and Arianna tries to insist that he’s given her reason to believe that he feels the same way for her. Ian is getting nowhere trying to deny this. Arianna has a bold moment and kisses Ian, then she tells him she won’t apologize for or forget her feelings. Ian can’t tell her what she wants to hear despite how desperately she tries to convince him that he has feelings for her too. Her eyes are absolutely shining as she speaks to him but when she finally sees that he isn’t budging, the look in her eyes turns to little girl-like devastation and she begs him not to make her leave. He makes an escape for the hospital, dodging her question of whether he is on duty and only replying with a yes to her question of whether he will be back (their exchange is oddly like that of Stacy and her hubby).

Back at the hospital, Eve envisions Ian refusing to leave Arianna but this thought is too much for her to bear and she insists “YES, he will!” Ian arrives to find her and admits that she was right about Arianna being in love with him. He tells Eve that with Arianna in her fragile state right now, he cannot abandon her. He apparently expected Eve to be understanding but she has reached her limit and tells Ian that if he doesn’t leave her soon, he may never be able to (apparently she can imagine Arianna pulling a Stacy-like stunt). Eve storms off.

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