Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 20-Mar-2001

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Tue, 20-Mar-2001 8:09:54 PM PST

The Bike Shop

Jack explained to Jamal that he was so over Livvie, just in time too because a very flirty female customer named Sam came by, who was ''running hot.'' and was Allison quote here - a ''leather slut.'' Nana came by to visit, claiming innocence in the building inspector's list and waving a white flag with a dinner invitation attached - it seems Allison's old friend Chad is in town. Allison doesn't care if she does leave Chad hanging (or is that the other way around), she is through with Nana forever and ever. Jamal explains to Nana that he is Allison's family and all she needs, later he says the same thing to Allison.

The Recovery Room

Lucy overhears Victor on the phone discussing Ian and how important it is that everything remain hush-hush, of course Lucy wants to know what is going on. Victor invites Monk and her to dinner any night - well except Mondays when Mary works and Wednesdays when something else happens and Friday's when they take some sort of ball dancing that you have to be very tall to do but Lucy refuses to be diverted from her Ian-snooping. Victor becomes very stern and informs Lucy to MYOB (and for some reason it has to be explained to Lucy that means mind your own business - maybe it's just the concept she needs explained to her.) Arianna comes by and recognizes Lucy who decides to befriend Ari in the obvious attempt to get information, Arianna prattles on and on about how happy she and Ian are and how happy they will long be, and Lucy pretends to be happy for them but when Victor sends Arianna on her merry way with Ian's dinner, he accuses Lucy (poor innocent Lucy) of doing what he just asked her not to do - poking her nose in Ian's business. Lucy has the feeling someone is headed for a fall.

Rachel's Old Apartment

Livvie is flashbacking to Jack, when there's a knock on her door - Kevy just happened to be in the neighborhood, oh heck he just missed his daughter. Livvie heard about Kevin and Lucy, she just can't be that forgiving. Kevin points out that if Livvie continues to shut out everyone that makes mistakes, her world will become very small. Kevin has to leave on an emergency but before he does he advises Livvie to always follow her heart (which is a bit strange since her heart can only be following one of two men - neither which Kevin likes at the moment - but maybe it's because he's learned the ''art'' of forgivenss - anyway he looked really really good - I just thought that was important to point out.) Anyway after my Kevy leaves, Arianna calls Jack, hangs up, and heads out the door.

Linen Closet

Ian drags Eve there to convince her (kiss kiss more kiss) that he loves her (kiss kiss more kiss) while Eve continues to fret (fret fret more fret) about Arianna and the chief and Arianna and the couple that came into the ER yesterday and how much Arianna needs Ian and fret fret kiss kiss and then Arianna spies them kissing/fretting and after Ian again reassures Eve she's the one for him and leaves, Arianna orders Eve to stay away from her husband - Arianna's husband, not Eve's just so we are clear.

Back at Jamal's Bike Shop

Sam calls someone and tells them she's found Jamal, and then later barges in on Livvie asking Jamal and Allison about Jack to announce that she and Jack are going on a very long test drive. Livvie realizes she may have pushed Jack away once too often.

Back at Recovery Room

Ian informs Victor that things are on hold, and when Lucy hurries on over to mention she talked to his wife Ian orders a very large whiskey no ice. Lucy asks him how he plans to dig himself out of this.


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