Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Friday, 23-Mar-2001

Author: Tammy64
Posting date: Fri, 23-Mar-2001 6:54:01 PM PST

Port Chuck, 3/23/01

Well, it’s a good PC when my faves, Frank & Karen, and Kevin and Lucy are on!!

Frank is in the garage with Nellie.

Frank: Sorry, Nellie, there’s only room for one girl in my life, so you’ve gotta go.

Nellie’s screen: It’s me again.

Frank: Damn!

Frank types at the computer: How come you’re never there when anyone else is around? No one believes you exist.

Nellie: This scares me.

Frank: But you don’t have to be afraid. I just want you to meet my friend. She needs to know you’re real.

Frank goes to the door.

Frank: Karen, get in here!

Karen: Glad to see you too. You haven’t gotten rid of the computer yet.

Frank: Not yet. There’s a new message. Read it for yourself. You’ll see I’m not crazy.

Karen: It’s blank. There’s nothing there.

Change to Doctor Riverdance (as Chris calls Ian) and Arianna.

Dr. R: So you’re ready to move on.

Arianna. Yes.

Dr. R: OK that’s good. I’m a little curious. After everything you said about not letting go.

Arianna: I guess I’ve had to let go of a lot of things recently.

Dr. R: Just know what you’re getting in return.

A change to a wonderful new life.

Arianna: And what you’re getting is the woman you love. You’re getting Eve.

Cut to Chris and Eve at Chris’s place.

Chris: See there’s nothing wrong with us ….getting to know each other a little more intimately. After all these years…

Eve: Exactly, I am a woman with NEEDS (ick, blech, etc.)

Chris: Which the good Irish doctor clearly isn’t meeting.

Eve: He said we’d be together always.

Chris: Sweetie, guys always tend to say that.

Eve: What am I supposed to do? Wait around forever?

Chris: You have way too much self-respect for that.

Eve: Yeah. I’m so tired of all of this fate and being together through the years….You know it’s all just a bunch of heartache.

Chris: What have I been telling you all this time? Love isn’t worth it when you can have so much fun…simply being friends.

They begin to kiss. There’s a knock on the door.

Eve: Company

Chris: Nobody could be better company than you.

Kevin & Lucy return to the Rec Room from their motorcycle ride.

(Kevin’s still looks good in the jacket BTW).

Lucy: Oh boy, Doc, when you took that last corner…oh my…goodness wow!

Kevin: You like my moves, huh? (Lucy and a bunch of other women like your moves, Kev).

Lucy: I love your moves…but you outdid yourself. What prompted you?

Kevin: What prompted me to take my biker babe out for a ride?

Lucy: No, buy a motorcycle.

Kevin: I don’t know. I guess I figured you shouldn’t be the only predictable one in the family.

Lucy: You just called us family.

Kevin: We are – you & Serena, me and Livvie. (Where in the world is Serena?)

Lucy: Except for Livvie. She’s still very angry, I think.

Kevin: Well I had a talk. I think we worked it out.

Lucy: She actually forgave you for lying to her about me and J…ack.

Kevin: Jack? I think she did.

Lucy: I’m so relieved. I cannot tell you how relieved I am…and happy for you and Livvie.

Kevin: I’m happy myself.

Lucy: She didn’t happen to mention somebody else she might be interested in forgiving?

Kevin: She didn’t mention you once. She did bring up Jack.

Lucy: She did? What did she say?

Kevin: She’s about thisclose to taking him back and I didn’t even try to talk her out of it, as much as I wanted to.

Lucy: See, along with that motorcycle and you’re making karmic progress.

Kevin: Then why do I have such a bad feeling about it?

Lucy: Because you’re her dad, and dads are supposed to worry. But I really believe Jack’s going to surprise you.

Kevin: That’s what I’m afraid of.

Lucy: Come on, under that cocky little smile and that misdirectional haircut..he’s okay.

Sam and Jack walk into the Rec Room.

Kevin: Yeah, I can see that.

Cut to Dr. Riverdance (Ian) and Arianna:

Dr. Riverdance tells Arianna she’s beautiful and has her whole life ahead of her. They hold each other. She’s sorry for her troubles, and needs time alone. She thanks Dr. Riverdance. He leaves, she cries. (I’d cry too if Ian left me.)

Back to Chris and Eve.

Eve: You have to answer the door. Kevin didn’t answer the door for me and I got hit by a car.

Chris: You sit down, don’t move, and the good doctor will make you feel better.

Chris answers the door.

Chris: I didn’t expect you.

Livvie: I needed someone to talk to. It’s been a rough a week.

Chris: Sorry to hear that.

Livvie: What took you so long to answer the door?

Chris: Oh, uh, a patient.

Livvie: A patient at home?

Chris: No, of course not at home. On the phone. It’s a serious condition, heart trouble.

Livvie: Oh, I’m sorry. But look, if it’s okay, I’ll wait. Because I could really use a friend now.

Chris: Yeah, Livvie, about friends

Livvie: About friends what?

Chris: It’s just I’m glad you feel you can turn to me.

Livvie: Yeah, well why wouldn’t I? You always know the right thing to say.

Your patient on the phone?

Chris: Oh yeah, well we’re finished. We’re not finished. Look, I’m sorry, but can we do this later?

Livvie: Can we meet at the Rec Room in a half hour?

Chris: Well, I’m going to need an hour to an hour and a half.

Livvie: You really give me something to look up to. I hope I’m as dedicated as you are when I’m a resident.

Chris: Well, you know, that’s me, Mr. Dedicated.

He walks Livvie out, and starts looking for Eve.

Chris: Eve? Where did she go? Eve?

Oh, that’s perfect, just perfect (after finding Eve passed out on the floor).

Back to Frank’s Garage:

Frank (upset): There was a message on that screen, I know it.

Karen: Frank, you’ve gotta get a grip. Some wires or thingamajig got twisted in the computer and you’re getting junk mail from cyberspace. That’s all.

Frank: I got it. The sooner Nellie is permanently retired the better. So do you wanna say any final words before I pull the plug?

Karen: No, but I’ll sign the DNR, do not resuscitate.

Just as Frank’s beginning to pull the plug, his beeper goes off.

Frank: It’s the governor, it looks like Nellie’s got a reprieve while I take care of this emergency at work. (Why is it, during times like this, I’m reminded of Randolph Mantooth and the Emergency! Television show from the 70’s).

Karen: Okay don’t go nuts Frank. Just keep remembering that old Nellie did her job.

Frank: She brought us together and that’s what’s important.

Karen: So let’s just concentrate on us, in her memory.

Frank: When you are right, you’re right, Wexler.

They kiss.
Frank: See you later

Frank leaves.

Karen is at the computer and types: Okay, it’s just you and me now babe. So if you’re out there Nellie, stop causing trouble for me and Frank. Talk to me.

On the other side of the screen, the Jackson 5’s “ABC 123” song is playing.

Back to the Rec Room.

Lucy: Would you look at that ingrate (yeah, she’s right, Jack) over there. He’s just back with Livvie…

Kevin: Who said they’re back?

Lucy: I’ll just go over there and give him what’s good for him.

Sam and Jack discuss Jamal, explaining why Jamal is “down” on them. Jack goes to get beers, and Sam says she likes her beer “dark, and potent”.

Lucy goes to see Sam.

Livvie comes in the Rec Room.

Kevin: Sit down.

Livvie: I’m here to meet Chris. You’re going to try to talk me out of it. Chris has been great to me, more than I can say for his brother.

Kevin: I had a feeling you were starting to soften towards Jack, with all that talk of your head and your heart.

Livvie: Did anyone ever tell you that you overanalyze, Dr. Collins.

Kevin: All the time. How about that dinner?

Livvie: Thanks, another time. I’ll be back.

Lucy (to Sam): Do you see that man over there? They call him Doc.

Sam: Really, they call me Sneezy.

Lucy: Well, little Sleazy, Sneezy, do you know a man named Sonny Corinthos?

Sam: What does that have to do with the price of cappuccino in Italy?

Lucy: Well he’s an employee of Mr. Corinthos and he doesn’t just sweep the floors, if you get my drift.

Sam: Not a clue.

Lucy: Does the word hit man mean anything to you?

Sam: Oh, right.

Lucy: I’m not joking. He calls him Doc because he holds the power of life and death in his hands. See that girl – that girl’s his daughter. That guy you came in with is that guy’s daughter’s boyfriend (or something like that).

Sam: Jack didn’t tell me he was with anyone.

Lucy: Well, they just had a little weeny spat. They’re like this, they’re tight. If Doc finds out that Jack is two timing his girl with you…well you and Jack will both be swimming with the fishes (We could ONLY be soooo lucky that Livvie swims with the fishes too).

Livvie runs into Jack, who spills beer on her.

Jack: I’m so sorry, it’s totally my fault.

Livvie: Yeah, that’s right, it’s your fault.


We’re now in Eve’s hotel room. (Now isn’t it nice that Chris had the decency to take little ol Eve back to her room?)

Eve: My head feels like it’s been through a trash compactor. Why’d you let me drink so much?

Chris: It was your idea (how true)

Eve: Well remind me to never have one of those again. Horrible, horrible.

Chris: Well it wasn’t entirely horrible…

Eve: Omigod, we almost..?

Chris: Oh yeah.

Eve: Don’t look at me like that, Ramsey. I would’ve never let you sleep with me and get into bed (she should BE so lucky to sleep with him)

Chris: Really? I would’ve settled for the couch.

Eve: Ramsey, if you laid one finger on me…I would’ve punched your lights out (she seems awfully ungrateful to me)

You would take advantage of … a drunken woman, would you?

Chris: You probably would’ve hated me in the morning.

Eve: I hate you now.

Chris: Oh, in that case, I will leave you by your lonesome. I have an appointment anyway.

Eve: Oh, sure, right, typical Ramsey – you don’t get what you want in one place, you go to another.

Chris: You something? It would’ve been nice.

Eve: Nice.

Chris leaves…Eve goes to take a shower. Ian is at the door.

Back to Frank’s garage.

Karen: Okay Nellie, I’m giving you a few more minutes to answer then I’m pulling the plug.

Karen plays with her necklace. Behind the other computer screen, a girl plays with the same necklace.


Back at the Rec room, Livvie and Jack argue.

Sam tells Jack to blow this place, explains to Livvie that she just met Jack. Livvie explains that her father is a psychiatrist, and Jack is…and then Chris says Jack is someone she used to know. Sam asks Jack if he knows that her father is in the mob. Jack laughs and asks her who told her that and she points to Lucy.

Kevin (to Lucy): You told her what?

Lucy: Well, I had to do something to scare that twinkie off.

Back at Eve’s room. Eve is wet from her quick shower. Dr. Riverdance (Ian) says he’s seen her look worse.
Someone hands Ben an article about Joe Scanlon. Ben says it can’t be the same Scanlon, he’s dead. Ben says if he and Thornhart set him up everyone in Port Charles will pay.
Ian explains to Eve that Arianna has given him his freedom, and the he and Eve will be together for always….and then they kiss.

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