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Port Charles Update for Monday, 26-Mar-2001

Author: bradleyteach
Posting date: Mon, 26-Mar-2001 12:08:51 PM PST

Karen corresponds with “Cookie” the mysterious sender of the messages. Cookie claims to be a 16 year old high school student, borrowing her Dad’s computer. Cookie, whose face we still don’t see, is wearing a necklace very similar to Karen’s. Karen keeps a conversation going with Cookie til Frank gets back. They pry more information out of Cookie, who seems to have quite a few things in common with Karen, including a love of ‘70’s music. In the meantime, Karen and Frank chat about their relationship – she admits that she was just looking for something to go wrong between them but that her trust for him has grown. He tells her after all the times he has screwed up, he can’t believe he is getting this chance with her. Cookie asks Karen about Frank, who describes him as “cute & knows it, stuck up, stubborn, not a great dancer but a good listener, strong, gentle, funny, irresistible, thoughtful and sexy”. Karen says she likes who she is when she is around Frank and amazing things happen when they are together. Cookie hears a man (her father?) yell, “What are you doing? I told you to stay off the damn thing!” Frank and Karen have no idea that this happened and get all kissy.

Ian tells a very soggy Eve that Arianna has agreed to the relocation plan and they will finally be together. They embrace and Ian asks why she’s wet. Eve hesitates and he repeats the question. She definitely sounds like she’s trying to hide something as she tells him how she was so upset over their situation that she got totally bombed with Chris and threw herself in the shower to sober up. He asks if that’s all (because she sounded like it wasn’t) and she keeps blabbering. He reminds her of the last time she got drunk and danced on the bar. He offers to warm her up but she cautions him about the INS. After a drawn out goodbye, they collapse onto the bed together and start to get it on when there’s a knock at the door. Eve panics. Ian hides in the bathroom while Eve lets in the bellhop, who has a package for her. It is from Maya on the island, who has sent a good luck statue of a man and woman - lovers. Eve is now convinced nothing can get in the way of her love for Ian. Once she’s cleaned up, she leaves her hotel room. The wind begins blowing through the open window and knocks the statue on the floor. The man and woman in the sculpture are now broken apart.

Meanwhile in London, Gabriela is checking into the hotel when who should saunter over to the desk and inquire about Dr. Joe Scanlon but Ben Shapour. Gabriela immediately recognizes and confronts him. Ben grabs her roughly. She calls him a murderer. When he protests that Joe is not dead, she comes up with a story that the conference sponsors never removed Joe from the list of speakers and ran the article even though of course Joe will not be speaking there because he is dead. Ben doesn’t think to ask why Gabriela is at this conference when Joe is dead and not there. He threatens to kill her if she tells anyone she’s seen him. Gaby frantically finds Joe and tells him of her encounter with Ben, who immediately calls Ian to warn him that Ben suspects Joe is not dead after all. Ian tells Joe to get the hell out of London and get home safely and immediately. Joe and Gaby grab their luggage and flee the hotel, while Ben spies on them from behind a newspaper.

Tomorrow, Livvie wants to get closer to Chris but Kevin intends to prevent this, with Lucy’s help. Ian tells Arianna that her departure from Port Charles must be hastened.

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