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Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 27-Mar-2001

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Tue, 27-Mar-2001 10:17:48 PM PST

Lucy decides that now that Kevin has a motorcyle, that she loves the wind in her hair, and the need to buy more LEATHER! That's all she needs! She and Kevin discuss Livvie and her relationship with Chris. Kevin knows Chris will hurt her, and that he won't be able to get Livvie to listen to him, but he and Lucy come up with an idea to have Allison talk to Livvie about Chris. Kevin says that he needs to respect Livvie's wishes and trust her to make her own decisions. But his need to keep her safe is greater. Kevin tells Lucy he thinks it's time that Dr. Ramsey meet with a very unfortunate accident..... (I can't WAIT to hear this one!) As Lucy expresses her shock, Kevin says he has been too easy on Chris. As Lucy continues to believe that Kevin is serious about having Chris rubbed out, Kevin tells her he is kidding and is going to do nothing and let Livvie make her own choices.

Meanwhile back at the recovery room...Allison tells Livvie that her chemistry with a man is more important and that she seems to have that chemistry with Jack, and not with Chris. Allison says that Chris understands her, and for this reason, she needs to give their relationship a chance. Allison tries as much as possible to help Livvie see the light where Chris and Jack are concerned (Chris is calling Livvie's grandma's caregiver to get her to rifle through Livvie's room and look for her diary. Chris says he really wants to "get to her heart". What a guy!) The caregiver calls Chris and says she found the diary, and Chris tells her to bring it to the hospital. Livvie goes to meet Chris at the hospital, and he tells her that he has arranged for them to have dinner with the head of Port Charles University's pre-med program. Livvie then apologizes for the times when she hasn't always been nice to him. She wants to make it up to him (how DOES he do this-getting these women to eat out of his hand?) Livvie tells Chris she wants to "be with him" tonight!!!

Chris and Eve talk about their "almost" night together and Chris says he didn't sleep with her because he prefers his women conscious!!! Eve tells Chris he didnt take advantage of her, and shouldn't where Livvie is concerned. But Eve tells Chris she doesn't need him to keep her warm anyway, because her nights will be getting a whole lot warmer.

Ian tells Victor about Ben running into Gabby in London, and thinking Joe was still alive. Gabby believes she convinced Ben Joe was still dead.
Ian asks Arianna to come to the recovery room, and when she arrives, Victor and Ian tell her that the family they have arranged for Arianna to live with is excited to have her and that she will be leaving sooner than originally thought. She is a little unprepared and shocked. Victor tells Arianna that Ian will not know where Arianna is, at least for some time, as it is safer for her. Once she is safe, Ian will tell the INS that he doesn't know where she is (which will be true in a way). Victor has arranged for Arianna to get training as a teachers aide. Arianna will have a whole new identity and life, a chance to be her own person. Arianna asks Ian if the reason he is rushing her off is because he can't wait to be with Eve. DUH!! Ian says he just wants her safe. Ian tells Eve that Gabby ran into Ben in London, but that Arianna doesnt know and doesn't need to know.

Eve talks to Arianna and tells her how much she admires her and how brave she thinks she is. Eve wishes her well and tells her the people of Port Charles will miss her. Meanwhile...Ben is flying to Port Charles to find out what is really going on.

On the next Port Charles...Kevin talks to Jack about the game he and Chris are playing with Livvie, and Lucy overhears Livvie tell Chris she will make it up to him, and he will not be sorry he waited....

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