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Port Charles Update for Thursday, 29-Mar-2001

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Thu, 29-Mar-2001 5:35:42 PM PST

You have to admit, it’s a great way to start an episode – it’s Kevin and it’s Lucy (have I mentioned how beyond over the moon I am that tptb finally saw the light and reunited the greatest daytime couple ever?) and they are staring at each other as Chris and Livvie chat at the door. Livvie has a surprise for Chris – lookie she can kiss! Kevin and Lucy look most definitely trapped. Karen has a flashback to yesterday – isn’t that special? In case you’ve forgotten what happened since all of yesterday (or are like the writers and have great trouble recalling history) Karen and Frank discussed how much they would have liked going to the Prom together (because apparently Jason and Jagger tripping all over themselves to be with her just wasn’t quite enough for our Karen.) Karen’s phone rings. I bet you’ll never guess who is on the other end. No guess. Really. Darn, you are so smart – yup it’s Frank.

Frank wants to know what Karen is doing tonight. Frank is gonna take Karen somewhere special and tells her to be prepared to have a great time and to be ready at eight. Arianna informs Ian she’s off to run some errands. She has people she needs to thank like Gabby and like Joe and we can’t ever forget Eve now can we? Ian informs her that she can’t say goodbye to anyone. Meanwhile back in the on-call room Eve thanks Gabby for bringing her clothes. Gabby was very scared by Ben. Eve reassures her that they are safe from that maniac. Aforementioned maniac gets off the elevator at the 6th floor and puts through a call to Deniece who very gabbily explains that Eve is in the on-call room.

Eve meanwhile is explaining that she is tired of looking over her shoulder. She is going to concentrate on her happily ever after. Ben lurks outside the on-call room. Eve goes on to explain how Ian the Braveheart would never let Ben hurt anyone. Our hero is now explaining to Arianna that Victor is coming to pick her up in the middle of the night (we should all be so lucky) and that this is indeed goodbye. Chris and Livvie kiss and kiss some more. Kevin and Lucy have escaped to the window’s ledge where Lucy makes periodic peeks inside to report on the action. Chris is ready to give Livvie her surprise, he knows she will be busy with pre-med for 8 years (more like 8 months soap time) and wants to help her create memories. He presents Livvie with 2 tickets to paradise – er Paris. Lucy, no flies on her it’s way too cold out there, realizes that Chris got that bit of Paris-info from Livvie’s diary. Kevin thinks they have to let Livvie figure Chris out on her own and begins a chant of you can see through Chris. Yeah Doc, I am sure that will do the trick, she’s been so observant up to this point.

Oh surprise shock and more shock Livvie has always dreamed of going to Paris. She is shocked shocked and yet more shocked that Chris knows her so well, knows her better than anyone else ever has. Lucy watches from the window as Livvie tells Chris that tonight all they need is each other (and a few peeping Toms and Tomettes.) Gabby leaves Eve to go back to work (now there’s a concept.) Frank appears and picks up the bag containing the items Gabby dropped off for him. Far out says lost-in-the-seventies Frank. Eve has never seen Karen look so happy. Eve wants to know what Frank is up to, and she wants him to tell her before she has to strangle him (or give him food with human organs in it). Ben watches as Frank leaves and Eve looks in her bag Gabby brought – oh my God says she.

Arianna wants to remember the good times, times that are memorialized in the IRS-fooling scrapbook. She wants to take it with, but Ian says no way. She can take nothing that might give her away. Arianna will simply have to carry the pictures in her head and in her heart (or via endless flashbacks...). Ari will never forget Ian. Livvie leads Chris to the bedroom and Lucy and Kevin climb back in the window. Kevin is just going to have to kill Chris, says Kevin in a very Ryanesque determined way. Lucy doesn’t think that’s such a good idea, too messy and all, but is Lucyesque determined to come up with a plan. While she’s thinking Kevin is flicking his Bic, setting some paper on fire in order to active Chris’ fire alarm. Lucy hides the diary in plain view on Chris’ desk proving they make the perfect team.

Karen blindly follows Frank and when he unblindfolds her behold the lights magically come up and they are sitting in the bleachers with soda cans and hot dogs and memories of Frank’s hero days and a really cute cheerleader with a Frank crush. Oh but that’s not all, after the exciting imaginary ball game Frank is going to take Karen on an exciting imaginary dance where she will be Prom Queen complete with corsage and lucky Karen a trip to Make Out Point. Karen makes Frank feel like a prince, will she be his steady? Karen says yes and sweetness and light just abound as we head back to Kevin and Lucy who are making their escape and watching through the keyhole as Chris shuts off the fire alarm and Livvie looks for batteries – in the desk – and instead finds the diary. She demands to know how her diary made it to Chris’ apartment. I am sure Chris would like the answer to that one himself. Hey Chris – looks like your play doh just turned into silly putty.

Ian promises Ari that at the exact same date and exact same time (it’s now 9:15 in case you were wondering how much time has elapsed) next year he will be in the Recovery Room drinking neat Irish whiskey and awaiting her call, so she can tell him how her life is going. The good luck statue has been broken and Eve is just crushed by it. Gabby explains she picked it up at Eve’s apartment but what is broken can be fixed. Eve tries to rally from her good luck charm being creamed. Ben watches Eve as Eve makes her way to her locker.

And that’s it for this edition of it’s Kevin and Lucy’s world and I couldn’t be happier...


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