Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 18-Apr-2001

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Wed, 18-Apr-2001 8:07:02 PM PST

Ian continues to keep a vigil at Arianna's bedside. Ian tells Karen he and Eve have broken off their relationship-at least for now, as his energy is needed to keep Arianna alive. Karen is shocked, but very concerned about Eve. Ian tells Karen that even though Arianna is hanging on, she needs the transplant, and of course, her best bet is a family member. He has been trying to get in touch with her family but they wont return his phone calls. Karen vows to try, and finally gets ahold of Arianna's father, hoping that the loss of his son will help him realize how precious his daughter is.

Kevin stayed the night with Lucy at the Port Charles hotel. He goes downstairs to get a table for breakfast and wait for Lucy, and runs into Eve. She is visibly upset, and tells him she and Ian have stopped seeing each other. He tells her he will always be there for her. Lucy, meanwhile, has arranged someone to advise Kevin on his divorce (as she assumes that Kevin is very anxious to get the divorce from Eve and be with her). As Lucy goes downstairs to meet Mr. Silver, she sees Kevin and Eve talking, realizes Eve is upset and attempts to contact Mr. Silver to keep him from upsetting her further and showing up! Due to circumstances beyond her control (a new for Lucy), the man shows up and announces to Kevin and Eve that he is there to assist in the divorce. Eve is shocked (she really shouldn't be, except that she did expect Kevin would tell her if he was filing immediately). Kevin seems completely surprised as well (surprise!).

Allison buys out the town (literally) with supplies for her new cafe (would you like a cappuccino with that new muffler???-I love it!). She found an auction that had everything she was looking for and her and Livvie bought it all and then some (she actually spent all $25,000 and owes $200!). In the beginning Jamal is pretty upset that she spent everything, but realizes he loves her and wants the cafe to work, especially since it makes her so happy. Allison goes to the hospital to thank Nana for the money, and Nana plays completely dumb! (My personal opinion is Nana never sent the money!) Turns out, Nana had her butler put Allison back in the will, but never gave her money. Allison still thinks the money is from Nana.

Livvie announces to Jack that she got into Pre-med school with no help from Chris (amazing how easy it is in Port Charles to get into Med School!). Jack of course is proud of her and even happier it required nothing from Chris.

On the next Port Charles, Kevin tells Eve he had no intention of filing for divorce right away, and Karen gets ready to stick herself with a needle at the hospital!

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