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Port Charles Update for Thursday, 26-Apr-2001

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Fri, 27-Apr-2001 12:00:39 AM PST

Frank and Karen share pillow talk after making love. Frank convinces Karen to come and witness his "evidence" of Cookie's existence. Karen tells Frank she is going to tell Eve that she will be the donor for Arianna, as she now realizes with Frank to love her, she can do anything.

Allison feels something is up with Jamal, but soon assumes that he is planning a surprise for her. Jack is acting wierd also, and Livvie wonders why he doesn't want to do things with her or be with her anymore. Jack tells her that it has nothing to do with her, but that he can't tell her why right now (in reality, he is watching after Allison while Jamal is dealing with planning his escape from the guys who gave Allison the money for the cafe and are blackmailing him). Livvie has made plans for her and Jack (much to the surprise of Jack) to have dinner with Kevin and Lucy. Jack says he will join her, but then Jamal tells him he needs Jack to look after Allison. Jamal ponders whether to go to the cops with the blackmailing scheme, but instead decides to tape their threats and agreements and turn the tape into the police.

Eve tells Ian she is being tested by Chris to be an organ donor for Arianna. Ian tells Eve she should not feel responsible for Arianna's condition, as he knows that's why she is trying such desperate attempts to save her. Chris returns with Eve's test results and tells her and Ian that Eve is not a match. But there's a reason for that.....

Karen's mom shares more memories of her sister with Karen and tells her she is still haunted by her sister's accident. After finding a high school picture of herself, the identity of Cookie is revealed -Cookie is really Karen's mom from 1973! (This is getting very wierd!)

On the next Port Charles...Arianna tells Ian she does not want to die in the hospital, and Ian tells her he is going to take her home, and Jamal tries to set up a sting.

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