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Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 15-May-2001

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Wed, 16-May-2001 12:36:37 AM PST

As Ian continues to take care of Arianna, the spirit of his sister Granya pays another visit to him and strongly urges him to quit trying to save the world and everyone in it, and save himself.
She cautions him to think about the woman he truly loves, and do everything he can to be with her.

Eve returns to her cabin from a walk in the woods (and a little "getting lost" detour") and finds neighbor Michael waiting at her door. At first alarmed, he assures her he was only making sure she made it back safely. Noticing some nasty cuts on his arm, she invites him into the cabin to clean them up. He accepts and afterwards tells her he would be happy to cook for her sometime, if she's going to be there much longer. She politely declines. However, Michael leaves his number in case she changes her mind, or needs anything. She assures him she is very capable of taking care of herself. However, due to a stormy night, she begins to get nervous about being in the cabin alone.

In the year 1973, Frank tries in vain to catch Carolyn and prevent her from being hit by the car. However, he's too late and she dies in his arms. Right before she takes her last breath, Frank tells her she has been a great influence on Cookie (her sister Rhonda) and that Rhonda would someday have a daughter named after her (Karen) and that Karen would be a wonderful namesake and save the lives of many. After the emergency crews take away a deceased Carolyn, Cookie happens on the scene and is distraught when Frank tells her that her sister died. Cookie and Carolyn's dad arrives and begins to blame Cookie for Carolyn's death, as they were supposed to be together.

On the next Port Charles...Lucy vows to Kevin that they are going to find the computer and have it take them back to 1973.

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