Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 23-May-2001

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Wed, 23-May-2001 10:11:15 PM PST

As Arianna continues to cling to life, so does Frank. His breathing has become more labored and his blood pressure is dropping. As Ian and Kevin argue about what to do, Ian finally concedes to give Frank something to try to bring him out of the herb induced coma. As Ian begins to administer the medication (knowing that it may not bring him out-it is experimental) Arianna calls from the other room. She is getting weak and feels her time is near to die. Ian rushes Arianna to the hospital, and they admit her, to her disappointment. She wants to be at home in her final days and hours.

In 1973, Frank gets into Cookies house (with her help and a key to the computer room) and begins to work on destroying the computer. As he systematically takes the computer apart piece by piece, trying to find the component that renders it working, Cookie and her father return from Carolyn's memorial service. Cookie tries to convince her father to look at pictures of Carolyn with her, but after a few noises in the basement, he gets suspicious and heads downstairs.

Frank is getting weaker and feeling the effects of his time travel. He is desperate to destroy the computer, and in his hazy state, sees an apparition of Karen, begging him not to die for her. She tells him he must go back. He says he cannot bear to live without her. As this is happening, Kevin is administering the medication to hopefully help save Frank from death. Lucy and the Chief have tried to convince Kevin to wait a few minutes and not interfere but Kevin can't let that happen. Lucy talks to Frank and tells him that he must come back, and that maybe they can try again, but he wont be any good for Karen if he doesn't come back to them. But Cookie's dad is on his way downstairs.....

On the next Port Charles, Kevin begins to lose Frank and starts to administer oxygen....

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