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Port Charles Update for Friday, 25-May-2001

Author: bradleyteach
Posting date: Fri, 25-May-2001 5:01:08 PM PST

Michael, summoned by Eve, arrives at her cabin. She tells him about Chris’ visit and turning down his proposal. She is unsure what to do next. She knows she can’t tell Ian about the baby right now and she doesn’t want to start over someplace new all alone. Michael advises her that perhaps she has a higher calling. He reminds her that pretty much all her problems are caused by men in her life. Eve tells him that if this means giving up men, that’s not an option for her (as we all know). Michael suggests that she consider using her compassion and medical talent in an area where doctors are needed but people can’t afford to pay them (he really doesn’t know her very well does he?).

Frank is by Karen’s side as she prepares for the surgery. When he sees Kevin and Ian in the hallway, he tries to thank them for helping him get Karen back into his life. They have no clue what he’s talking about, they have no memory of the time travel incident and Frank remembers the Chief’s warning not to discuss the experience with anyone. Along comes Rhonda, as Frank sees her face transform into Cookie’s. He calls her by that name and she asks him how he knew she used to be called that (why is it that she has no memory of having met Frank 28 years earlier?). When Rhonda is alone with Karen, Karen admits her fear of becoming addicted to the painkillers but Rhonda reassures her. Karen tells Rhonda she feels like she was something of a burden to her but Rhonda makes it clear that Karen has been the one good thing in her life and that she couldn’t imagine what her life would have been like without her (overheard by Frank). Frank returns to Karen’s side, still spewing mushy utterances of love. She gives him Aunt Carolyn’s locket – offering her heart for safekeeping.

Lucy tries to calm Arianna before the surgery. When Ian arrives, Arianna confronts him about their lives after the surgery – apart. He tries to change the subject but she tells him she wants him to be happy. They embrace. He finally opens up to her about his feelings for Eve and tells her to keep her heart open to the miracle of love.

In the waiting room during the transplant surgery, Lucy does a Tarot card reading. She’s disturbed by the “Stranger” card repeatedly coming up in the same position. Although Kevin tries to make a joke out of it, Lucy insists that someone new is going to appear and disrupt everyone’s lives (Eve’s baby?). Meanwhile, Rhonda keeps looking at Frank very strangely. Joe enters with the news that all went well – Karen is out of recovery already and the O.R. team is closing Arianna’s incision.

Karen is very groggy when her parents and Frank visit. Frank tells her that he wishes he could share the story of how he saved her by going back in time. Suddenly Karen is more alert and demands to know what he’s talking about. Meanwhile, Ian sits by Arianna’s side, waiting for her to regain consciousness (so he can ask her to sign the divorce papers?).

Eve prepares to leave the cabin, telling her baby that a brand new life is waiting for them.

Next time, Eve expresses a desire to stay and help Michael (who looks very uncomfortable about this) and Jamal walks in on Jack and Alison smooching.

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