Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Monday, 4-Jun-2001

Author: jackie_28465
Posting date: Mon, 04-Jun-2001 3:37:20 PM PST

Today's show revolved around kisses betweem Mack and Felicia, Visions of Carly as seen by A distraught Sonny, Gia and Nicholas' slow ,romantic dance,and MOST OF ALL a fire. This fire was set by a programmed Lucky who has followed Helena and her diamond into "A MAZE. No one can find Sorell or Lucky in this inferno at the jail.. Liz is accused of Arson because she was the last one to visit with Lucky----that is according to the new captain.He doesn't know about THE CLEANING WOMAN. A scared Liz is comforted by Laura , Gia, and Nick. Scott gets her off on a tecnicality. An angry Luke loads a pistol and is about to take off to kill Helena. Felicia tries to stop him.In the meantime, MISS MEANIE, Helena, plays games with Lucky's mind. She says"Tell the king to protect his queen". Lucky says "NO, I will not kill my dad". So, is she not really mesmerizing Lucky's whole brain? Time will tell.( Perhaps, killing his dad is too much for even a programed Lucky.)
As Sonny wanders his lonely turf, he decides to ask Alexis to join him for dinner. Alexis tells him NO. She says you are being condescending and demanding. You must ask me! With THAT ,SONNY turns on his CHARM, and does ask. She dines with him.Later, Taggert tells them that due to the fire, A deadly Joseph Sorell and Lucky have vanished. Sonny takes Alexis home. She tells him:" You don't have to tell me what you plan to do about Sorell". Then, She calls Benny to gain protection for Sonny. She says to Benny:"Sonny is not himself".Sonny is alone when he hears a knock at his penthouse door. When he opens the door, Carly is standing there. She says:" I know that you still love me, I can see it in your eyes". Is this really the LOST CARLY or a figment of Sonny's imagination? Tune in tomorrow and check this out.

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