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Port Charles Update for Thursday, 14-Jun-2001

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Thu, 14-Jun-2001 8:33:34 PM PST

Jamal and Allison go to the police station to meet with Jamal's cousin-the assistant district attorney to tell her everything about Jack's death. She was occupied in court, and while they were chatting with one of the police (who was badgering them to give him the info, since he would find out anyway) another policeman came in to their room to tell the officer that the dead body found in the ravine was identified as Zack Vernon! As the officer left the room, Allison and Jamal, in shock, left the police station to find Livvie. They questioned whether Livvie may have had something to do with Zack's death, as she vowed to make him pay for killing Jack. Jamal and Allison find Livvie at her and Jack's place by the river.

Caleb finally talks to Livvie at the river. As Livvie is in "their place" grieving over her loss of Jack, Caleb approaches her. When asked about his identity, Caleb tells Livvie he is her future. He knows she is mourning over the loss of a special person in her life, and that he is there to help her heal. Livvie thinks this is all pretty strange, but she is intrigued by the fact that Caleb knows so much about her, and in her loneliness reaches out for Caleb. When they hear Jamal and Allison calling her, Caleb dashes and Livvie tells Jamal and Allison that the man who has been following her was there, revealed his name and, though the whole situation seemed kindof wierd, felt bonded to him in some way. Jamal and Allison tell Livvie Zack is dead. Livvie did not shed any tears of course, but told J & A that she went to Zack with the intention to hurt him and even took a knife with her to help her do that, but that she couldn't go through with it, Zack attacked her and she got away.

They bring Zack's body to the hospital, for transportation to the morgue. Chris asks Frank some questions about how they found him, as he says that Zack was brought in with no blood in him. He bled to death. Frank tells Jack there was very little blood at the ravine where the body was found (this tells us that Zack died somewhere other than where his body was dumped). Chris soon finds Sam in the room where Zack's body is and begins to question her as to who Zack was and whether he had anything to do with Jack. Sam finally breaks down and tells Chris that Jamal and Allison must have killed Zack to cover the fact that Zack knew J & A killed Jack! (give me a break-those poor kids are trying to live a good life and now this!). Chris is stunned to hear that his brother is dead.

Victor's fishing buddy (aka The Judge) is brought to the hospital in a severely aggitated state. He can't calm down, shouting how he wants to rip someone's heart out! They finally calm him down (with drugs of course) and he tells them that he doesn't remember anything except going to the car for something and then Victor called him on his cell phone looking for him and telling him he had been missing for hours. The judge says he feels strange. He feels like that he has been poisoned or something. In the hallway, Victor quietly tells Kevin that there is something evil in those woods. When Kevin tells Victor that those woods were the same woods that Jack fell unconscious in and acted strangely afterwards, Victor urged Kevin to talk to Jack about what he remembers. Problem is, Kevin tells Victor, Jack is gone.

On the next Port Charles....Allison and Jamal talk to Livvie about Zack's death, and Kevin overhears Chris questioning Sam about Jamal and Allison killing Zack and Jack!

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