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Port Charles Update for Monday, 18-Jun-2001

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Mon, 18-Jun-2001 10:13:27 PM PST

Guess what? Jack's ALIVE! Livvie goes down to the river to get some peace and think about Jack, and guess who shows up? Livvie is in shock and thinks she's just dreaming him there, but he hugs her and assures her he is real (anyone out there remember Luke and Laura reunion from years ago?). As she is clutching to Jack like her life depended on it, Jamal and Allison come walking through the woods to find her and run into her and Jack. Allison faints and Jamal is cautious. Jack assures them both that he is there, but doesn't feel very well, and has no memory after he was ran off the road by Zack, except Livvie holding him after his accident. Jamal explains to Jack that they thought he was dead, checking several times, and then finally burying him so that they could have time to prove Zack, and not Jamal was responsible.

Kevin overhears Sam telling Chris about Jack and Zack's deaths, and that she saw Jamal do it, and Allison and Livvie cover it up. The police detective (a Garcia wanna-be) puts out an APB noting that Jamal, Allison and Livvie are possible armed and dangerous. Kevin freaks, knowing these kids could be anything but dangerous and flies off to try and find Livvie. He finds the kids by the river (including a now very-much-alive Jack) and asks them what happened. They explain that there was a mixup and Jack didn't take the money from the bike shop after all (a story made up to explain his disappearance). The police show up (with Lucy right behind-where there's trouble, usually there's Lucy) and with his gun drawn, seems to be doin a little NYPD Blue, only he pulls the trigger! No one was armed, no one appeared dangerous and he shot, just as Jack threw himself in front of Jamal to protect him... Dont think the Fab-4 are armed and dangerous-rather it's the cop!

Ian and Eve arrive at home (Ian's, that is) to start their life together. Ian has asked Eve to marry him at the bar where he first danced with her. Now he is going to do it right. He gives her an irish ring, symbolic of their love and friendship. Eve is touched and Ian assures her they have their whole lives together to be happy and love. They decide to marry as soon as possible, and decide they will ask Michael the priest to marry them (he may be a little tied up for a minute with Caleb!)

Priest Michael argues with his twin brother Caleb (I think Kevin Collins could give some great coping lessons to Michael here-he went through the same "evil twin" thing!). Michael tells Caleb not to hurt anyone else, but Caleb tells him that Michael stole one woman from him, and is not going to get the other one. He has now found his Olivia and he won't let her go.

On the next Port Charles...Gabby questions Joe about his next move and Jamal assures Allison they are going to check out Jack's grave.

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