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Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 19-Jun-2001

Author: flapwoman
Posting date: Sun, 11-Nov-2001 4:59:40 PM PST

Pandemonium ensues at the river's edge, but all are eventually ok. Andy insists he only shot because he thought Jamal had a gun. Jack drops something shiny on the ground. Andy tells Jack that Sam said he was dead. She also said that Jamal is responsible for Zach's death. When the police walk away, Lucy approaches Jack and insists on knowing where he disappeared to. Everyone wants Lucy to butt out. Lucy says she was afraid Livvie was going to have a nervous breakdown. Jamal tells Alison that he is amazed that Jack wasn't hurt. Jack just jumped in front of the bullet meant for Jamal. Now he has cheated death twice. Jamal wonders how he got out of the coffin without any cuts on his hands. Jamal knows he nailed it shut. When Alison, Jamal, Jack and Livvie leave, Kevin asks Lucy to just drop it for now and accept Livvie's story. As he walks away, Lucy picks up the shiny object.

Frank tries to convince Karen to stay in Port Charles, but she wants to take Serena for a New York adventure so she feels special. Karen describes different things she and Serena want to do. Serena enters, all excited about her trip. Frank gives her money to take taxis and to buy herself any doll she wants, but Serena wants to buy makeup instead.

Gabriela gives Joe his HIV test and encourages him not to worry. Joe says he realizes how lucky he is, blessed with family and friends. He wants to share with the rest of the world, starting with volunteering to be the doctor at the clinic that Eve was going to. He wants Gabriela to go with him. Gabriela says the move does appeal to her. Joe calls the clinic and finds out that there is a house available for him and Gabriela. It was going to be for Eve. If the board approves him, the only thing that worries him is his HIV results. Back at Gabriela's, she has trouble getting some sleep. She is nervous about performing at the Nurses' Ball.

At home, in bed, Lucy plays with her tarot cards. Kevin reminds her that they should wait until Livvie is ready to talk about Jack before asking more questions. Lucy goes and takes out the shiny object, which is a bullet. Her assistant, Don, calls her and she talks about the Nurses' Ball having to run smoothly this year. The camera zooms in on the bullet sitting on a table.

The next morning, Alison, Jamal, Livvie and Jack go to where Jack was buried. The coffin has a large gaping hole in it. Jack looks at it in amazement.

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