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Port Charles Update for Friday, 22-Jun-2001

Author: bradleyteach
Posting date: Fri, 22-Jun-2001 6:28:36 PM PST

Pizza arrives in the chaotic E.R. The nurses’ ball is over and Kevin is attending to patients traumatized by the train wreck. Lucy rips her dress and is pretty much standing there in her panties. Kevin goes off to see more patients and Alison looks for Jack at G.H. which makes Lucy very suspicious. Lucy falls asleep on a gurney. Kevin wakes her with a kiss. She tells him how she was dreaming of being in the park with him and Serena. Then she mentions last year and Kevin tries to get her to drop the subject, but what she is trying to tell him is that she has finally gotten to a place of healing, that he got her through her time of hell. He remembers his time of grief and says, “If it hadn’t been for you and Livvie …” and that’s when Lucy remembers Alison’s visit to the E.R. Lucy shows Kevin the bullet and tries to convince him that it bounced off of Jack and that’s why Jack’s acting so strangely. Kevin points out that although something is strange, no human being would be hit by a bullet at that range and still be walking.

Gaby is all over Joe; she’s turned into quite an animal so to speak. Joe’s trying to slow her down but there’s no stopping her. When he mentions her routine at the ball, her comment was “I did good.” Once again, she drops her dress and stands before Joe naked. In bed, she completely dominates the action, which doesn’t seem to be to Joe’s liking. Then we see the marks on his back. Gaby tells him she knows he likes it rough. When she tells him that she won’t be leaving Port Charles with him, he thinks she is kidding, but she is serious. In a completely emotionless voice, she tells him he should never have assumed she would go with him.

Alison pronounces the evening to have been a disaster, what with the train wreck, the flood, etc. Livvie is worried and goes to check on Jack. Alison’s dropping hints about the evening being of special significance. Jamal plays dumb til Ali reminds him it’s their one year anniversary together. He produces a jewelry store box that holds an exquisite pair of earrings. Livvie bursts in with the news that Jack is not home. Jamal and Alison go out looking for him.

Jack stumbles through an alley, looking like he’s about to vomit. Sam and 3 tough goons surround him. Sam accuses him of ditching the diamonds and killing Zach. She tells Jack this time he’ll be dead and stay dead. The goons advance on him with baseball bats. Jack is down, but he gets up, bloody and beaten. He attacks like an animal, throws one guy completely across the alley. Jamal appears on the scene and Jack tosses him through the air. Jamal crashes into a brick wall. Jack finishes beating the thugs to a pulp. Jamal tries to calm him. He tells Jamal in a frightened voice that something isn’t right and he wants to know what’s happening to him. Jack hides when Alison shows up. She sees the unconscious tough guys in the alley and Jamal tells her that Jack did it, and that she should keep away from him. Meanwhile, Jack looks sick and terrified.

Livvie goes out looking for Jack but runs into Caleb instead. She wants to know why he keeps following her. He reminds her that he’s her future, she tells him she knows who her future is. He turns her around to face him and she tells him “I’m in love with Jack.” He tells her then she should leave, but that she can’t “You want to be with me.” He tells her how beautiful she is and how he doesn’t want to see any more tears from her. She tries to convince him (herself) that she’s in love with Jack, but he counters that Jack isn’t the same man he was and that she knows it. He wants her to come with him, to his world, where her every desire will be fulfilled. He holds out his hand to her, and after a brief hesitation, she follows him to his lair – a cave containing a bed with satin comforter and a lot of candelabras around (how’d they stay lit while he was out following her?).

On Monday, Gaby tells Joe that she’s met someone else; Jack freaks out on Lucy and Caleb asks Livvie to be his (his what???).

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