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Port Charles Update for Friday, 6-Jul-2001

Author: bradleyteach
Posting date: Fri, 06-Jul-2001 5:54:50 PM PST

Eve, Ian and Karen are acting mighty sneaky about this ultrasound (perhaps since they know that using ultrasound for the sole reason of finding out the baby’s sex is not sanctioned medically). Once things are underway, Ian proudly points to the screen. “Look at her!” he says. He is certain he will have a daughter. Eve starts to get excited but insists that Karen verify this. Karen tells them that if they have selected anything pink, they will have to exchange it for blue. Eve and Ian are thrilled. The viewers wonder that with Ian and Karen both being doctors, that Karen could get a better view of the baby’s “parts” from several feet away than Ian could with his face pressed against the screen.

Jack approaches Sam in the alley, closing in for the kill. Sam doesn’t want him to hurt her and offers to pay him off (with what money, since she claims she doesn’t have any?). He says what he wants is someone like her, someone who doesn’t deserve to live. Jamal regains consciousness to hear Sam scream and he runs to stop Jack. He finds Jack alone in the alley. Jack, although hungry for blood, was unable to make the kill. He knows that he must kill and cross over, to save Livvie. Jamal tries to tell him that this is wrong and there must be another way. Jamal tells Jack that for now Livvie is safe, since Cable can’t get to her at Kevin’s house.

Lucy tells Gaby that Livvie will be right down. Gaby apologizes to Lucy for her risqué behavior at the Nurses’ Ball and blames it on a few drinks beforehand to calm her nerves. Since this year’s ball raised more money than any before it, Lucy forgives her. Madam Alicia, the TV psychic calls Lucy and they arrange a meeting.

Livvie greets Gaby as if they were close friends (funny, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the two of them together before). Gaby came to return Livvie’s scarf that she found at the Nurses’ Ball, but of course Livvie has never seen this scarf before. Gaby mentions her new guy to Livvie, who is surprised that there is someone else in Gaby’s life besides Joe. Gaby raves on and on about her new man. As she describes his blue eyes that just draw you right in, Livvie catches her drift. As Gaby continues to gush about her exquisite longing to her new best friend, Livvie says that she has felt that … with Jack. Gaby says this is different than an ordinary man, this is someone who can see through to her soul and she wants only to be totally and completely his. Livvie flashes back to being in the catacombs with Caleb. When Gaby says she would give anything just to see him again, Livvie knows exactly how she feels. When Lucy returns, Gaby has gone and Livvie is noticeably distracted. Lucy is worried but has to leave. Livvie decides that she must see Caleb.

Lucy arrives at General Hospital and drops the contents of her purse on the floor. The baby boy Tarot card falls out, face up once again. Just then, Eve and Ian walk by, discussing baby names. Lucy, of course, realizes that they are having a baby boy and of course, assumes the Tarot is referring to that baby.

Jamal visits the witchcraft store again, this time with Jack in tow. Jamal and Jack find that there is conflicting information in the vampire books and they are unsure how to proceed. One thing they discover is that vampires’ strongest need is to build a coven and they realize that Livvie and Jack are just the beginning of Caleb’s evil plan. They also discover that all vampires have a Talisman, something that offers protection. Without it, they are vulnerable. Jamal says they must find out what Caleb’s is, take it and then destroy him. Jack doesn’t think they can defeat Caleb but Jamal insists they can. However, Jack knows that he is a danger himself and tries to make Jamal swear that once they bring Caleb down, that Jamal must destroy him as well.

Michael walks in on Caleb in his lair and tells Caleb that what he is planning won’t work. Caleb informs his brother that he will have Olivia and a family of his own. Michael begs Caleb not to do this again but Caleb says that Olivia will come to him on her own and ask to be with him. Caleb tells his brother how awesome it is to be a vampire and that all he wants to do is go forth and multiply. That’s when he speaks of a special child – Eve’s child. He plans to make Eve’s baby his and Livvie’s! Michael is furious but Caleb says that he will not force Livvie, she and Eve will both give him what he wants. Michael insists that good is stronger than evil and Livvie will not show up. Wrong again!

When Livvie arrives in Caleb’s den, he tells her that he has been waiting for her.

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