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Port Charles Update for Thursday, 12-Jul-2001

Author: flapwoman
Posting date: Sun, 23-Dec-2001 9:01:38 AM PST

Over breakfast, Ian tells Eve that he doesn't want Michael staying with them. Eve reminds him that Michael has been very kind to her. Ian says that he doesn't like the way Michael looks at her. Eve says that he's a priest. Ian says that he's a man. Eve asks him to just drop his suspicions and overlook them. Ian feels uneasy. After Eve leaves, Ian takes the phone out into the hall and calls Victor. He asks him to find out everything he can about Michael.

At General Hospital, Jill tells Kevin that the police are waiting to talk with him. The police, along with Frank and Emilio tell Kevin and Lucy about three dead bodies recently found. A girl named JJ tells how she was with Garth until "the queen of dirty dancing" took him away. He was found dead like the other two - a broken neck, and all his blood drained. All three also had a look on their face like they had just seen something horrible. Lucy gives Kevin a knowing look. JJ starts to leave the room as Gabriela passes by. JJ says that Gabriela is the slut she was talking about. Gabriela admits to being at the bar with Garth. She says she left after Garth came on to her. When JJ says some insulting things to Gabriela, Emilio becomes angry and Frank and Detective Andy take him out of the room. Kevin and Lucy continue to ask JJ questions. Emilio tells Frank that he and his mother are very worried about Gabriela. She hasn't been acting like herself and they don't like the fact that she has fallen so hard for someone that they can't meet. JJ reveals that Garth came back to the bar and he talked to some guy. Kevin asks her to describe him. As Kevin sketches, JJ says that the man was handsome, with eyes like she's never seen before. Lucy and JJ describe the man as Kevin finishes his sketch. Kevin asks Lucy how she knows this man. Lucy says he was the stranger who came to the lighthouse. Kevin can't believe that this man is a probable suspect in three murders. Lucy says that she can't describe the feeling she had when she saw him. Kevin wonders why the stranger came to the lighthouse.

When Chris meets up with Sam at GH, he asks why she didn't meet him at the Recovery Room last night. She answers because his brother tried to kill her. Jack isn't human. Chris gives Sam $500 to leave town and stay away from Jack. Sam leaves. Chris tells Gabriela that there is trouble at the blood bank. Blood is missing. Chris asks Gabriela to figure out how blood could be missing. She flashes back to when she found Jamal in the blood bank area.

At the monastery, Jack covers Livvie while she sleeps in a pew. Then he goes snooping in the cellar. He is stunned to find Caleb there. Caleb is amused by Jack's reaction. He tells him that vampires CAN enter a house of worship. This isn't Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. He proclaims his love for Livvie and reveals his menacing fangs. Livvie dreams about being in the monastery and hearing Jack's voice calling her and then Caleb's voice. In the cellar, Caleb tells Jack that he should cross over and join him. Jack tells him that he won't kill anyone. Caleb lunges at him, but Jack gets out of his way. Caleb shows his fangs again while Jack lays on the floor. Then they both try to choak each other. Their eyes turn red. Next they send each other flying across the room. When Jack gets up, Livvie is coming down the stairs and he doesn't see Caleb anywhere. Jack tells Livvie that they must stop running and get out of there. As they go up the stairs, we see Caleb hanging from the corner of the ceiling.

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