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Port Charles Update for Friday, 13-Jul-2001

Author: bradleyteach
Posting date: Fri, 13-Jul-2001 12:56:22 PM PST

Alison brings home some groceries and notices Jamal reading a vampire book. She tells him that they need to get back to business with the bike shop and each other. As they kiss, looking forward to their special evening, there’s a knock on the door. It’s Jack and Livvie, home early from their getaway.

Livvie tells Alison that she still does not know what is wrong but that while she was away with Jack, she felt the presence of Caleb nearby. She also told Alison of her dream, where both Jack and Caleb were calling to her and she did not know who to follow. Alison has also become suspicious of Jamal’s behavior but has no other clues. She does tell Livvie that if she follows her heart, she will never lose her way.

Jack tells Jamal about his encounter with Caleb. He tells Jamal that it seems the more blood he drinks the more he needs. Jamal promises to keep him supplied and help him keep Livvie safe.

Kevin prompts Lucy to remember exactly what Caleb did and said when he showed up at the lighthouse. When she mentions him asking for directions, he tells her that if he needed directions, he did not nee to come into the house for them, that there had to be something inside the house that he wanted. But what could it be? Kevin wonders this as he pins the photo of Livvie back up on the bulletin board and pins Caleb’s sketch between the Stranger and Baby Boy tarot cards. After pondering over what spooked Lucy so much about Caleb, she tells Kevin that despite how beautiful and blue Caleb’s eyes were, they were just EVIL. He questions whether Livvie saw Caleb and Lucy assures him that Livvie did not. Kevin suddenly realizes who else may be able to identify Caleb, grabs the sketch and runs out the door.

Meanwhile, Gaby, in yet another seductive nightgown, wonders where Caleb is. “I need you!” she says. She hears her name and turns to see that he’s materialized in her living room. Caleb grabs Gaby by the neck and pins her against the wall, accusing her of helping Jack to feed. Gaby tells him that she loves him, would never betray him and only does what he tells her. Caleb finally believes her and she tells him about seeing him at the hospital. He gets very angry when he realizes Michael is stepping into his turf. He tells Gaby that much as he’d like to drain Michael’s blood, you can’t feed on your own family. Gaby tells Caleb about seeing Jamal at the hospital and that he must be supplying Jack with the blood he needs. He tells her that since the police now have a sketch of him, she must be the one to bring Caleb to them. He promises to reward her, even though she cannot be the chosen one.

Jamal tells Alison that he has an “errand” to run for Jack. As Ali prepares for their special evening (thank goodness for the dim lights, given the gaudy outfit she’s chosen), Jamal runs into Gabriella on his way home. She’s “fallen” and sprained her ankle (after conveniently unbuttoning a couple of buttons on her blouse). She asks him to please help her home. He doesn’t notice the evil glare. He tells her he can’t help her, Alison is waiting for him, so she stands and tries to walk on her own, but falls flat on her face again. She begs Jamal who finally agrees to help her back to her apartment. Caleb follows, smirking.

Kevin and Lucy bring Caleb’s sketch into Abe’s padded room. Once Kevin shows an unresponsive Abe the sketch, he becomes very agitated. Abe starts to have a seizure and goes into cardiac arrest, basically dying of fright at the sight of Caleb’s picture.

Livvie and Jack are getting started on some good loving. As she begs him to let her have it now, he looks up and into the mirror. Jack sees … his FANGS!

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