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Port Charles Update for Thursday, 19-Jul-2001

Author: flapwoman
Posting date: Thu, 03-Jan-2002 8:44:01 AM PST

Ian tells Karen that there is a guy interested in Eve. When Karen finds out he is talking about Michael, she tells Ian that Eve is madly in love with him. He has nothing to worry about. She insists that he go home to Eve. On his way out, Ian stops to buy flowers for Eve while Karen calls Frank to tell him that she loves him.

Chris asks Denise what she knows about Livvie being in a hospital room with Victor. Denise just knows that Livvie is not ill. A lab technician tells Chris that he has the results from the blood tests. Chris insists on privacy. The technician tells Chris that Abe and Jack both have something unidentifiable in their blood. Chris asks if that accounts for their new strength. The technician says that he'd need more blood. Chris agrees that it will be hard to get more, considering that Abe is buried and Jack is not cooperative. He says that if they can bottle this stuff, they could make millions. Chris tries to reach Jack on his cell phone, with no luck.

In Kevin's office, he is outraged at Jack for knocking him across the room. Jack insists that Livvie be released from the hospital. He says that she'll be safer at the lighthouse. Kevin asks, sarcastically, if it's because Caleb is a vampire. Jack says it's hard to believe, but Caleb can get at Livvie in the hospital even if she has guards. Kevin remains cynical while Lucy, Alison and Jamal support Jack's viewpoint. Jack asks Kevin if he can speak to Livvie and then Kevin should bring her to the lighthouse. Even though Lucy thinks it's a great idea, Kevin says no way. Jack goes out and takes and puts a cart in front of the door, and ties a sheet from the doorknob to the opposite side of the cart. When Kevin tries to open the door, he can't. Lucy phones for help. Chris comes along and lets them out.

In her padded room, Livvie tells Victor that she wants pizza from Pizza Shack. They don't deliver, so she asks Victor to please pick it up. She hears Caleb's voice in her head, saying he's coming for her. She gets emotional, saying all she wants is Jack. Caleb's voice gets louder, saying that she wants to feel his touch. Jack throws the guard, outside the room, across the corridor. He forces the door open, shocking Victor with his strength. Jack and Livvie leave. Jack barricades the room's door with a chair.

At Eve's, Caleb is at the door, asking to be invited in. He wants to see his brother. Eve says that Michael is gone, but her husband is home. Caleb says that he saw Ian leave. Eve says that he'll be right back and clutches her pregnant belly. Caleb stares at her belly and mentions that she's having a baby. Eve becomes frightened and starts to close the door, but Caleb keeps it open with his foot. He finally leaves and Eve takes a deep breath. She waits a moment and goes out into the hall to make sure Caleb is gone. Relieved that he is nowhere in sight, she turns to go back into her apartment. Caleb is standing there at her door. Eve says she isn't afraid of him. Caleb sees the family crest necklace on Eve. He knows that Michael gave it to her. Again, he leaves. Later, there is a knock at the door. Eve moves verrrrry slooooowly toward the door and looks through the peephole. Relieved that it is Michael, she opens the door and helps him in. He appears to be beaten up. Eve tells Michael that Caleb was there before. She said it was very scary and creepy the way Caleb talked about her baby. Michael pulls her to him. As she snuggles into his shoulder and he hugs her, Ian enters with an armload of flowers.

In the ER, Gabriela remembers being with Jamal and not being able to "feed" on him. She calls and leaves a message on his machine, apologizing to him for the other night. She wants to meet and talk with him. Emilio comes in and asks her why she missed the family dinner. He doesn't like the change that has come over her. He says he wonders if she "found out" about something. She asks her brother what he means.

Kevin, Lucy, Alison, Jamal, Victor and Chris are all upset that Jack has taken Livvie. Victor tells how Jack ripped the door off the steel frame. Jamal convinces Alison to stay out of the line of fire and go with Victor.

Chris calls someone and asks how much tranquilizer he would need to take down a wild animal.

Gabriela finds Jamal in the ER and tells him that he's just the guy she's been looking for.

Lucy and Kevin enter the lighthouse. Kevin is upset about Jack taking Livvie from the hospital. He is surprised to see Jack and Livvie sitting on the couch.

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