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Port Charles Update for Friday, 3-Aug-2001

Author: flapwoman
Posting date: Tue, 15-Jan-2002 5:13:43 PM PST

In his office, Kevin pours over papers he took from the monastery. He can't find any clues on Livvie's whereabouts and he's frustrated. Victor enters and tells Lucy and Kevin that he went to Abe's grave and it was dug up. The coffin was open and Abe's body was missing. Who would take it? As Lucy gets Victor a glass of water, Kevin tells him the truth about Abe. Victor says he should have guessed. When he was in Eastern Europe, he always heard tales about vampires. He says he'll stop Caleb from marrying Livvie. Lucy nervously tells Victor and Kevin that, in order for Caleb to marry Livvie, he has to "turn" her. Kevin realizes that Livvie's wedding will also be her funeral.

As Caleb gets ready for his wedding, he tells Abe how happy he is that he will perform the ceremony and is now part of his extended family.

At Eve and Ian's, Ian is packing up so that they can leave town. He tells Eve that his father taught him how to fight everything except women and vampires. When Eve says that she can't lose another baby, Ian says he'll protect her and their baby no matter where they are. As she is almost ready to go, Eve gets sharp abdominal pains and collapses. Ian scoops her up and rushes her out.

At Alison and Jamal's, Jack is becoming impatient with Alison. She is on her computer trying to find the place where Caleb may be holding Livvie. When Jack needs to drink more blood, Jamal wonders if he can handle it. As Jamal lectures Jack about guzzling so much blood, Alison tells them that she has found something on the internet. The place where Caleb is probably with Livvie is in the mountains in upstate New York, but not close to Port Charles. Alison will see if Nana can provide a plane to take them there. Jack starts freaking out. He throws furniture. He can't wait for a plane. He calls out Livvie's name. Then he vanishes into thin air, as Alison and Jamal watch in horror.

Livvie is thrilled that Rachel is with her for her wedding. She opens a gift from Caleb. It's a necklace with a medallion hanging from it. After Rachel dispenses some motherly advice, she leads Livvie outside where Caleb and Abe are waiting. Caleb tells Livvie that if they want to spend forever together, she must do something. Livvie says that she knows she has to die. Caleb wants her to be sure before she leaves her mortal life behind. Totally mesmerized by Caleb, Livvie says that she is ready. Caleb says that he has chosen a child to be with them. As Abe performs the ceremony, and he gets to the "if anyone has an objection" part, Jack comes in, screaming Livvie's name.

Alison and Jamal come into Kevin's office and tell Lucy, Kevin and Victor that they know where Livvie is. They are using Nana's plane to go there. Kevin says that he is going alone. None of them will come. It is his daughter. Lucy, of course, insists on being there also.

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