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Port Charles Update for Monday, 6-Aug-2001

Author: bradleyteach
Posting date: Mon, 06-Aug-2001 5:11:31 PM PST

Karen and Frank are flirting at the nurses’ station when Ian dashes in, carrying Eve, who is experiencing contractions. Eve is despondent, certain that she is going to lose her baby. Karen tries to calm her to no avail. Eve and Ian tell Karen the tale of the vampire, which she’s taking as a joke, until they mention the name Caleb and she realizes this is Gaby’s boyfriend. Karen shares this news with Frank, who realizes that as absurd as it may be, it could explain why Gaby and Jack are acting so strangely. He also realizes what must have happened to Emilio. Eve is finally calm and sleeping when Karen returns with her test results. She tells Ian that so far, everything is normal. This is good news, in that nothing is physically wrong with Eve, but bad news in that her contractions are caused by her own panic (or as Karen says, “it’s all in her head” – the ever-patronizing doctor comment). Meanwhile, Eve dreams of her baby boy, in the cradle that Michael built, rocking high in a tree with the “Rock a Bye Baby” lullaby playing. When the cradle falls and the baby crashes down, Caleb catches him and soothes him by telling him “Daddy’s here.”

Chris arrives with Gaby’s test results. She’s still coming onto him like there’s no tomorrow. He asks her what it’s like, and she describes heightened senses and sexual ecstasy and let’s not forget total power, which Chris is totally craving. She tries really hard to convince Chris to turn vampire and work with her as a team. She starts stripping for him again, speaking of forbidden pleasures. Chris is about to let Gaby out of the cage when he tells her he was just kidding and there’s no way he’s letting her out. He laughs at her and tells her he’s not looking to be a bloodsucking freak and she should button up her blouse “No midnight snack for you” Chris says mockingly.

Kevin and Lucy are flying on the Barrington Jet to meeting Jack and find Livvie. Kevin is terrified that they won’t reach Livvie in time, and feeling guilty, worried that he did not love her enough.

Abe is in the midst of marrying Livvie and Caleb. When he asks if anyone objects, predictably Jack comes storming in. Caleb tries to banish Livvie from their confrontation and when she asks why, Jack tells her that Caleb can’t kill him in her presence. Livvie convinces Caleb to allow her to talk privately with Jack. Jack finally confides to Livvie that he too, is like Caleb. She tells him that Caleb is her future and he is her past, and speaks of the wonderful life Caleb has promised. Jack tells her it’s more like hell, but she is very angry that he kept his secret from her. Jack reminds her of how she reacted in disgust when he mentioned the word vampire and didn’t want her to think that way of him. Livvie tells Jack to go, but he still tries to convince her that Caleb just has her under a spell. She insists she has chosen Caleb, but Jack counters that Caleb has chosen her. Caleb enters and tells Jack if he leaves now, his life will be spared. Jack and Caleb go at each other, Jack is hurt. When Livvie tries to rush to him, Caleb holds her back by saying to look into his eyes and remember her future. When she looks in his eyes, she seems to speak in a dreamy tone. Before the wedding can continue, Kevin arrives and announces that the nuptials will take place over his dead body (and likely they will). Kevin confronts Caleb and Lucy walks in. With Caleb weakened for a moment, Jack carries Livvie out after protesting to Kevin that if he takes Livvie, Kevin will be killed by Caleb. Caleb informs Kevin that he has messed with the wrong vampire.

Tomorrow, Eve is in a state of hysteria, Lucy goes after Kevin and Caleb toys with his almost father-in-law.

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