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Port Charles Update for Thursday, 23-Aug-2001

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Thu, 23-Aug-2001 10:34:22 PM PST

Eve tells Karen that she is still worried about Michael. Karen tells her to let Michael go. But Eve tells Karen she has called Michael to find out how he is, and she can't get ahold of him. She says she is afraid of what he may have done to himself. Eve thinks that part of Michael died along with Caleb (hmm..) when he killed him. Eve tells Karen she is going to find Michael at the monastery. As Eve enters the monastery she finds Michael and approaches him, frightening him.

In Transylvania, Kevin tells Lucy to call Livvie and tell her Caleb is not dead. Lucy can't get a dial tone and James is amused. Kevin, Lucy and Raef wonder what Caleb's talisman is that is keeping him alive, but James isn't talkin! Kevin gets angry at James, and starts breaking everything in sight! James gets free and attacks Kevin. In the ensuing battle, James gets stuck with the syringe filled with poison and tells Kevin he will take his secrets to the grave.

Jack tells Caleb he has won. He is not going to fight him anymore. Jack says he is ready to cross over and become one of "them". Livvie and Caleb ask him why he would want to watch the woman he loves with someone else. But Jack says he isn't going anywhere. Caleb tells Livvie that Jack appears to have a secret agenda he may live to regret. Jack says he will do whatever Caleb says as long as he can stay. Caleb tells Jack that he and Livvie are married now. Jack admits he still loves Livvie, and can't live without her in his world. However, he has accepted the only way to be near her is to serve Caleb is whatever way he chooses. Caleb tells Jack, GREAT! Jack can watch Caleb and Livvie make love. Livvie asks Caleb not to do this to Jack. But Jack assures Livvie that he just wants to be part of her life in a small way. Caleb says for Livvie to become one of them, Livvie's first kill is going to be Jack. Livvie tells Caleb she can't kill Jack. But she chose him and she would die for him. Caleb accuses her of lying and betraying him. He leaves, and Livvie is crushed. Livvie tells Caleb it's his fault that Caleb left, but Jack tells her otherwise.

Someone is trying to get into the "lock-up" rooms at the hospital which house Gabby and her brother.
The Garza's (Gabby and her brother) priest has come to visit and wants answers as to what is going on with Gabby and her brother. Ian tells the priest that there is nothing he can do. The priest says he is aware evil exists and wants Ian to tell him the truth. Ian finally tells the Priest that Gabby and Emilio were attacked by something evil. Much to Ian's shock, the priest guesses it was a vampire and Ian tells him about the people who have been affected by this and about the amulet that Michael gave Eve to protect her and the baby. The priest says it's unusual, as Priests don't usually use amulets and that sort of thing.

On the next Port Charles....Jack tells Livvie their love is stronger than Caleb, and Michael tells Eve he is worried about what will happen if she remains at the monastery!

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