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Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 29-Aug-2001

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Wed, 29-Aug-2001 7:07:52 PM PST

A strange breeze whips through General Hospital but the only ones who felt it are those involved in the "vampire dialogues" (except Chris-who thought they were all crazy). After the strange wind subsided, Lucy told them that Caleb was there.He hadn't come for Eve's baby, so they raced to Livvie's room, assuming he had come to take her away. They found her in the arms of Jack. After he had felt Caleb's presence, he had broken down his door and gone for her. Kevin was relieved to see she was alright for the moment.

On the roof, however, Gabby spilled her guts to Caleb. She told Caleb she was sorry to have called for him, but Jamal told her that she needed to lure him to the hospital and tell him that Eve was having her baby, but it was all a trick. Caleb is not one to be outsmarted.

After the group see that Caleb has not come for Eve's baby or Livvie, Allison tells them Caleb is coming for all of them (how DID she know that?). When Lucy, Kevin and Jamal find Gabby on the hotel roof, Gabby tells them she couldn't get ahold of Caleb. But...Lucy tells them Gabby is lying. They know she knows where he is, but Gabby tells them that it's pointless, they can't defeat Caleb. Jamal leaves her with the message that she may have killed them all.

Caleb shows up in Livvie's room and finds her in Jack's arms. Jack vows to defend Livvie. Livvie finds herself still drawn to Caleb, and scared of his presence. Caleb shows up in Eve's room and Ian tells Caleb he will kill him. Caleb throws Ian against the wall, renders him unconscious.
Eve appeals to Michael's side of the Morley brothers! and asks him to protect her. He disappears and Ian wakes up.

Caleb shows his "fangs" to Chris and tells him he has a source for his research. Kevin, Lucy, Ian and Eve decide to get everyone together in one place. Lucy tells Kevin she has something to do first.

Caleb shows himself to Jamal and Allison. He throws Jamal against the stairwell (must be the action of choice for vampires) and goes after Allison, preparing to "bite her neck", when Lucy shows up and stops him. Lucy tells Jamal and Allison to leave and Lucy tells him it's the two of them. Then Caleb remarks "its just her" and disappears. Lucy tells Kevin about the disappearance.

Jack tells Livvie she has to trust in their love in order to get over her fascination with Caleb. Jack says they have their whole lifetime to enjoy. Chris enters the room dazed and confused and tells Livvie and Jack that Caleb bit him! Chris collapses and as the others enter, Kevin tells Livvie to get him an orderly, and Livvie has disappeared. Livvie is on the roof with Caleb and begs him to let her go. Caleb tells Livvie that she betrayed him and everyone is going to pay for the betrayal, especially her.

On the next Port Charles, Lucy tells Kevin that Caleb needs Livvie, and Livvie tells Caleb that she was confused about her feelings for him.

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