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Port Charles Update for Thursday, 6-Sep-2001

Author: bradleyteach
Posting date: Thu, 06-Sep-2001 11:20:32 AM PST

Gaby is not pleased when Chris visits, bearing flowers and a come-on. He’s still obsessed with things (and people) vampire. Jamal walks in and throws Chris and his flowers out. Gaby tells her brother that Caleb has imprinted himself on her and ruined her forever. She wants to get her life back and not let Caleb win. Jamal is very supportive of her and gets her on her way to her retreat at Haven House. As she enters, we hear the eerie music following her.

Lucy and Jack try to calm Livvie as she awaits the results of her pregnancy test. She insists she absolutely cannot have Caleb’s baby. The test comes out negative. Jack tries to leave but Livvie notices that he is avoiding her and becomes very clingy. She tries to apologize again about her relationship with Caleb. Jack tries to justify her actions, that she was under Caleb’s control but the truth comes out – Jack can’t stand the thought that Caleb touched her, that she was his. He tells her how helpless he felt, seeing her slip farther and farther away from him. But Jack assures her that he still loves her as much as ever and leaving her is just not an option.

As Eve snoozes in the hospital nursery, Kevin comes in to see the baby. Eve wakes to see Kevin looking all goo-goo eyed at her son. They marvel at the baby together. Eve asks him about Livvie and he says he wishes he could just swaddle her and hold her til she’s over what happened with Caleb. Eve is still fixated on the necklace Michael gave her. Eve and Kevin get mushy with their feelings of “friendship” for each other. Kevin asks the baby’s name and Eve admits they have not decided yet (my money is on Daniel). As Kevin puts a hand in the incubator to touch the baby, he and Eve gush over him like new parents. Lucy walks in with a balloon bouquet, but this scene really bursts her bubble. Eve gushes at Lucy, and doesn’t take notice of the pained look on Lucy’s face when Eve says “You know how it is when you hold your baby for the first time” when Lucy, of course, does not know. Lucy and Eve trade compliments on their co-slaying of Caleb. After gushing over the baby, Lucy rushes out. Kevin follows her but Lucy turns her back on Kevin and his display of tenderness. She’s really mad at him for hovering over her every time she sees a baby, as if she is going to fall apart. Finally she runs away from him.

Jack and Livvie arrive to visit Eve and the baby. Although Livvie is afraid that Eve must hate her, Eve doesn’t feel that Livvie is to blame in any way for the Caleb situation. Livvie is enthralled with the baby, and when she reaches into the incubator to touch him, she hears Caleb’s voice in her head, saying “This really should have been our baby, Olivia, yours and mine.”

Tomorrow, Livvie tells the spirit of Caleb to stop messing with her head, Kevin tells Lucy that he wants to marry her and Eve reminds Ian that their baby has no name (again, I’m betting on Daniel).

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