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Port Charles Update for Monday, 10-Sep-2001

Author: brianpresfan
Posting date: Tue, 11-Sep-2001 4:40:20 AM PST

On todays show it pretty much started off from the way Friday ended(Livvie in the catacombs,Jack throwing the suitcase and Eve having the end of her nightmare.)
We open up with Eve waking up and she tells Ian about her dream and he says that it was just a nightmare and that Caleb is gone.This goes on through the whole show pretty much and Eve insists on taking their baby home because it's more safe.
Then we go to Livvie who is in the catacombs yelling Caleb's name and this wind is going everywhere blowing her hair about and we hear Caleb saying Olivia.Livvie closes the box and the charm braclet that she has falls off.Caleb is talking more saying that Olivia came back for him and she throws the box.She rund out into the park and she encounters a snack and the snack bites her on the ankle(and she is still sitting on the bench saying help me,help me.)

Well that's pretty much how the episode was,not much to talk about but I am thinking it will get better as the week goes on.

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