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Port Charles Update for Thursday, 20-Sep-2001

Author: bradleyteach
Posting date: Thu, 20-Sep-2001 1:43:50 PM PST

Eve is paranoid and feels Ian is minimizing the risks to their baby. He is angry that she’s giving into her fears and tells her that Caleb is winning if she lets the fear keep her prisoner. He storms out but later returns, calmer. They kiss and make up while the quietest baby in the world still sleeps peacefully in his bassinette. Eve feels safe now, secure that nothing can touch them in their own home.

Lucy arrives home to find Kevin very unsettled – he knows all of the recent events are not a coincidence and that there is still evil among them. Lucy has heard an inner voice telling her that things are out of balance. Something evil and vengeful is lurking, although it is not Caleb. Kevin tries to psychobabble his way out of this but deep down, he cannot deny the truth. Lucy decides they should use a circle of purity to call out the evil. She casts a spell and calls the evil to show itself, which makes Kevin extremely nervous. A shadow casts across the wall and the mirror shatters, leaving Kevin and Lucy frightened. He accepts that there is an angry presence meaning to do them harm, but it could not. He decides he’d best go and check on Livvie but before he can do that, there is a knock on the door. As the knocking repeats, Kevin decides that “whoever it is, isn’t going away” (this must be the most overused and over-repeated line on PC). Lucy decides whomever it is wants HER but always the gentleman, Kevin insists on answering the door. When they open it, there’s a gust of wind, a look of shock and … we must wait til tomorrow to find out whom, if anyone, is there. Perhaps it’s Rafe.

In her room at Kevin’s, Livvie rests under Jack’s watchful eye. When she wakes, she’s terrified that she’s going crazy and isn’t sure what’s reality and what’s fantasy. Jack does his best to reassure her. As he tells her that she is safe, a candle in her room spontaneously extinguishes itself. He finally soothes her to sleep, and drifts off himself but Livvie wakes and sees the candles light themselves. She sits up in bed, now wearing her honeymoon nightgown, and the curtains open as Caleb’s voice beckons her to come to him.

Meanwhile, Jack dreams of Livvie, in a seductive red dress, as they are surrounded in white. She refers to the “witching hour” and is very teasing, letting him get just close enough and then disappearing from his view and touch. As they are finally kissing and he tells her he loves her, she tells him that’s all she needed to hear and is going back to her husband now.

Livvie is now in the catacombs. Although she is saying “I don’t want to be here” she has a mission, she must find the box. Once she touches it, her mind starts to get unfocused again. The box is empty, powerless (due to Lucy’s unleashing the evil inside and allowing it to take form). Caleb’s voice assures his Olivia that she is not crazy and he is back. She looks up to see Caleb, standing right in front of her.

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