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Port Charles Update for Friday, 5-Oct-2001

Author: flapwoman
Posting date: Thu, 28-Feb-2002 10:07:01 AM PST

Eve can't calm Daniel down. She decides to take him out.

Kevin leans against his car, looking at the photo of "Anne Marie." He calls Eve on his cell. As he is leaving a message on her answering machine, he changes his mind and tells her to disregard the message. Kevin goes to Eve's and picks the lock. Inside, he says he's going to look for anything that supports Anne Marie's story. As he searches frantically, Kevin stops and thinks. He knows Ian well enough to know he wouldn't do the things that Anne Marie talked about. As he's leaving, he sees a ripped photo in the trash. He takes it out and sees that it is Anne Marie. On the back, it says: Dear Ian, you didn't have to kidnap me to make me fall in love with you. Anne Marie. Eve returns and asks Kevin what he is doing in her home.

In Chris' office, he can't wake up an unconscious Karen. As he injects her with adrenalin, he says that she better not ruin his career. When she is conscious, she pieces together what happened and slaps Chris' face. How could he inject her with vampire blood?!? Karen wants to go and find Frank. Chris tells her that this is the chance of a lifetime. They both could make zillions. Chris tries to stop her from leaving, but she pushes him across the room.

In the catacombs, the hologram of Caleb congratulates a sleeping Livvie on fooling her father into thinking she was Anne Marie. When she wakes up, she tells Caleb she had nightmares. When she is sleeping again, Caleb says they are not over. He is loving planting seeds of doubt in couples' relationships. It's almost as good as sex. Caleb tells Livvie that soon she will be disgusted by all the couples she knows. Then, they will be together with their child. He tells her that she should leave. She won't remember anything about today. Alone, Caleb keeps looking at this hand, which seems to be becoming less hologram-like. He says that soon he'll be able take whatever he wants.

Jack can't concentrate on repairing his ceiling fan because all he can think about is Livvie. He calls the sanitarium where Rachel is and is told that Livvie hasn't been there all day. He throws something across the room. Alison enters and finds it hard to believe that Livvie would lie to Jack. Jack says he's losing her. He tells Alison that Livvie thinks he's smothering her, and she's right. He thinks that Livvie has been doing strange things, like when he found her half-naked in the catacombs, because of Caleb's control. Alison says Caleb is dead. Jack rushes off to try and help Livvie.

Livvie enters the lighthouse. Jack is waiting for her. She doesn't remember what she was doing. She just found herself outside. Jack asks where she's been. Livvie just stares.

In the catacombs, Caleb laughs his evil laugh.

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