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Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 10-Oct-2001

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Wed, 10-Oct-2001 9:17:10 PM PST

Temptation and Deception are the name of the game in Port Charles!

Lucy recounts to Kevin her vision that Rafe shared with her of her death. Rafe advised her that if she continued to flirt with evil, death would, in fact, become her. Kevin made Lucy promise to do so. Kevin receives an urgent call to go to the hospital, and bolts, leaving Lucy wary of being alone. Lucy wonders why she can't, throughout all of her visions, see the face of her murderer, and then the mirror on her wall cracks!

Ian and Eve share unspoken, tense, moments at home. The baby cries and Ian goes to check on Daniel and finds that his breathing monitor was not on. When questioning Eve, she tells him she turned it on and that she checks it several times a day. She quietly wonders why he would think she didn't know what she was doing. Ian receives a call from the hospital and bolts. Ian is secretly trying to find a nanny for Daniel, thinking that Eve is overworked and tired and needs some rest. However, its pretty apparent that this move is going to tick Eve off by her thinking that Ian is undermining her ability to take care of her son. When arriving at the hospital, Mary tells Ian about a person that would be perfect for a nanny. She recently left her nanny job with a child who was being made ill by his mother in her own search for attention (commonly called "Munchausens Syndrome by Proxy). As Ian hears these words, he starts contemplating all the mishaps that have happened since Daniel has come home and how nervous Eve has been, and how careless she has seemed (somewhat). He has Eve's chart for her appointment with the OB/GYN in his hands (how convenient) which has a copy of Eve's doctor's report from when her first son died. He reads the report, which says that the baby died of neglect and underdevelopment. Recommendations were for a psych consult for Eve.

Jack and Allison are secretly planning his big night on the yacht for Jack's proposal of marriage to Livvie. He shows Allison the ring he plans to give her which was his mothers and Allison tells him Livvie will be happy because of the man who is placing it on her finger. Livvie arrives and as they are eating, Jack leaves the table, and while gone, Livvie is approached by an old college mate who asks her out. Livvie politely tells him that she is seeing someone, and introduces him to Jack. The man (Kyle) leaves. After Livvie leaves Jack to dress up for her big night with Jack, she steps outside the recovery room and starts to hear Caleb's "music" again. Kyle comes out of the r.r. and Livvie makes subtle moves on Kyle.

Karen is feeling giddy! Since her injection accidentally (by Chris) of the vampire serum, she tells Chris she has never felt better. She feels like ever nerve ending is tingling and almost feels euphoric. Chris is delighted with the results. Karen even makes understated sexual statements to Chris. Chris leaves to get her something to eat while she showers, and she tears apart his "lab" to get all the material she can read on his research and tells Chris when he returns that she read the research and also took the remainder of the serum. She doesn't want to share her good feelings with anyone else, in the off chance she needs another injection. Chris wonders what he has created (he HAS thought that a time or two!).

Lucy arrives at Kevins office and barges in (not knocking-a real downfall for the wife-to-be of a psychiatrist...what was she THINKING!??) and finds Eve hugging Kevin. Kevin was, of course, comforting her, after telling her that it sounded like she was afraid of her own husband. However, Eve had been trying to talk herself out of that, and talk Kevin into realizing that she loved her husband. Kevin previously told her that if Ian is responsible for her and Ian's kidnapping (and the eventual demise of Eve and Kevin's marriage) that they both (Kevin and Eve) have the right to know.

On the next Port Charles...Lucy tells Eve that Kevin is wrong about Ian, and Rafe and Caleb finally "connect".

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