Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 17-Oct-2001

Author: Irene
Posting date: Wed, 17-Oct-2001 7:34:25 PM PST

Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2001 - Show Interruptions were for announcements that Anthrax had been found in Gov. Pataki's office and Sen. Daschle had a news conference about the anthrax found in his office -

VIVA LE DIRECT TV AND SOAP NET!!! We still have today's episode!

ALISON AND JAMAL ENTER THE RECOVERY ROOM, mentioning that neither of them has heard from Jack or Livvie. Jamal says, 'Maybe Jack and Livvie just need time alone.' Alison replies: 'From each other?' They sit down and start necking and decide they should take one night just for themselves - no Jack, no Livvie, no Gabriela, no Valerie. They continue to kiss and decide that they should either take it some place private or order something. As they get ready to order, VALERIE shows up to take their order!

MEANWHILE, AT THE PC GRILLE, JACK is having a drink and LUCY walks in.. Lucy and Jack hug and say hi and the bartender says he remembers both of them from their past liaison. Lucy asks Jack what he is doing there and Jack says 'Same as last time - trying to forget!' He asks why Lucy is there and Lucy says it is because she left Doc.

MEANWHILE, AT THE LOFT, ANNEMARIE AND EVE face each other. AnneMarie says she had to warn Eve to get away from Ian to protect her baby. Eve says she does not believe the story AnneMarie is telling her about Ian. AnneMarie protests: 'If you don't listen to me, you'll end up dead!'

BACK AT THE RECOVERY ROOM, FRANK comes in and tells ALISON & JAMAL THAT VALERIE is working at the Recovery Room now. (There is a flag over the bar, so this must have been one of the scenes filmed AFTER 9/11!) Val says 'we're all friends'- or, friendly, at least. Jamal goes over to see Frank to clue Frank in about the thorns growing between Valerie and Alison.As Jamal leaves, Val reminds Alison of the way Alison tracked her down at the Retreat to warn her to stay away from Jamal. Wal says to Ali that she does not like to be threatened.AND that Ali's threats just make her that more determined to re-new her relationship with Jamal. Jamal admits to Frank that things have been tense since Alison found out that Jamal had a past with Valerie that goes beyond their mutual involvement with Cedric.

At that time, KAREN SLIPS IN & ASKS FRANK: 'Want to play doctor again? ' Frank says he is trying to get used to the wild woman she has become and says 'Where are you getting all of this energy? I'm not used to this wild side of you. It's like you're on some kind of drug!' Karen tenses up.

BACK AT THE PC GRILLE, JACK & LUCY talk about what has been going on. Lucy asks Jack if something has changed, if someone has come between Jack and Livvie. Jack answers: 'Caleb.' Even though he is dead, he is very much a shadow over their lives. Lucy observes that it is like 'something' is trying to destroy the lives of everyone connected with the Caleb chapter of their lives (Yeah, and I think his name is soap opera writer - what do YOU think?) Lucy says it is 'like we are trying to destroy ourselves, like in the Invasion of the Body Snatchers! It's like Caleb put a curse on us!'

BACK AT THE LOFT, EVE TELLS ANNE MARIE that Eve believes Ian, that she won't listen to Anne Marie sneaking around, trying to trash Ian - "Ian is a good man,' Eve says. Anne Marie replies: 'I thought so to, he can be so charming - he is always ready to tell you what you want to hear. I was married, just like you. We were trying to work things out, like you. But HE TOLD ME HE WANTED ME, NOT JUST FOR ONE NIGHT, BUT FOR ALWAYS.' Eve stops in her tracks: 'What did you say? ' Anne Marie replies: 'Did he tell you that as well? There have been others too. I've kept tabs on him. He shows the same pattern. Many people have patterns,but his are dangerous. If you question him too closely, if you push him or don't live up to his expectations of what a woman should be, his love can be lethal.' Eve replies that she doesn't believe AnneMarie's story. But AnneMarie says: 'I wish someone had been there to tell me. Get away while you still have time. Protect yourself and your baby!' The doorbell rings and AnneMarie says:'Oh,, no. If he finds me, he'll kill me. Is there another way out?' Eve says: 'Take the back hallway - go!'

IAN ENTERS and says: 'What's wrong?' Eve shakes her head.

IAN FIXES the broken window latch and Eve busies herself fixing a bottle. Ian says: 'Did something happen?' Eve says no. Then Ian asks: 'Did Kevin call?' Eve says no again and then says she is 'just tired.' Ian says 'I'm glad you're here so we can work this out. I couldn't live my life without you.' Eve says:'Remember at the cabin when you said you wanted me not for tonight but for always? It was then that I first knew I was in love.' Ian chucks her under the chin and says: 'That LINE works every time!' Eve walks away and Ian says 'I was just joking.' Eve says' We've said some unpleasant things to each other over the past few days,' and tells Ian that she wants him to spend the night somewhere else. Ian says: 'You DID talk to Kevin!' Eve says no, that she is just confused. Eve says that she wants to be alone with the baby and that if Ian does not go, Eve will go and take Danny with her.

BACK AT THE RECOVERY ROOM, FRANK REASSURES KAREN that he was not implying that she was on any kind of drug. Karen says that's great because she feels better than any drug could make her feel. (Guess she doesn't consider Vampire Juice to be a drug!) JAMAL INTERRUPTS to tell Frank that it looks like VAL & ALI are trying to get along. However, Alison is saying to Val 'you just threatened to take my boyfriend away from me.' Val says: 'No, I'm just telling you how things are going to be!' Ali says: "How do you know I won't just go tell Jamal what you said?' Valerie replies: 'I'll just deny it, say you misunderstood. It will make you look jealous and petty. You KNOW how guys hate THAT!' Alison replies: 'Jamal and I are in love and are very happy. If you want to stick around, I'll be happy to rub your nose in it!' JAMAL RETURNS to the table and says: 'Hey, ladies, everything cool?' and Ali and Val say: 'Fine.'

BACK AT THE PC GRILLE JACK SAYS TO LUCY that he wishes he COULD blame everything on something like that - like a curse from Caleb. Then he mentions that he thinks maybe they changed too much. 'Maybe we remind each other of something we're trying to forget.' Lucy repeats, 'There IS something out there, a dark force.' Jack gets up to pay the tab: 'Well, drinking won't help it.' and he gets ready to leave. He asks Lucy if she wants him to call a cab for her. Lucy says she is staying at the hotel and not going home. She hates big empty houses and doesn't want to be there if Kevin happens by. (Also, because it has been 2 or 3 days since we had a new set for Lucy & and it must be time for a new one! I digress!) 'I just need a night off from him,' Lucy says. As Jack leaves, Lucy says: 'Hang in There!'

Lucy mutters: 'Being alone stinks!' then says to the BARTENDER, 'Not closing yet, are you?' He says no and she says 'I want another ' and gets another drink.

BACK AT THE LOFT, IAN SAYS TO EVE: 'NO! You will not take my son and go running again. What's wrong? An hour ago, everything was fine!' Eve says, 'Keep your voice down!' Ian reaches toward her and says 'Are you scared of me?' Eve says, 'Just go.' Ian says 'O.K. I'll get a hotel room.' Eve says 'won't you need to take some things? ' Ian says 'No, I don't want to scare you for another second.' And leaves.

BACK AT THE RECOVERY ROOM, ALI, JAMAL AND VAL are saying 'we understand each other.' KAREN IS VERY 'UP' AND TELLS FRANK that she has a trip planned. Frank asks 'DO I get a preview?' Karen says she wants to try everything that is new and different 'because I love you.' Then Karen shouts: 'I love you, Frank Scanlon!' Everyone turns around and claps but - then - suddenly

A GUY WITH LONG HAIR runs in with a gun in his hand. He says: 'Get on the floor! This is a hold up!' Frank grabs Karen and jerks her out of the way. Jamal, Alison and Valerie crouch together beside their table.

BACK AT THE PC HOTEL (Surprise! Surprise!) LUCY AND IAN just 'happen' to bump into each other and both admit that they are at the hotel because of strained relationships at home. Lucy says:' What is wrong with this picture?' Ian replies: 'Lonely and pathetic, isn't it?' (OK, so you weren't surprised, but don't tell anyone, will you? The writers THINK we are surprised at all of this and I would hate to let them know we are ON to all of this - wouldn't you?) (SO GUESS WHAT?) LUCY AND IAN DECIDE TO SPEND A LITTLE TIME TOGETHER RATHER THAN BE LONELY TONIGHT!!!!!!!

MEANWHILE, OVER AT THE BIKE SHOP, JACK IS leaving when ANNE MARIE hurries past him. Her white scarf catches on something and Jack picks it up to tell her that she dropped something. But when he looks up, he sees LIVVIE standing there, but she no longer has on the long brown coat AnneMarie was wearing!

PREVIEWS of tomorrow's show: EVE AND KEVIN ARE AT THE LOFT. Eve tells Kevin, 'I told Ian to leave. AnneMarie came to see me.' Kevin says" 'something is not right here. Tell me everything!' LUCY is (at the PC Hotel?) and saying: 'There is something out there trying to harm us.' (No kidding! ) Sincerely, Irene

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