Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Thursday, 1-Nov-2001

Author: brianpresfan
Posting date: Thu, 01-Nov-2001 5:59:51 PM PST

Okay on todays episode it pretty much revolved around Daniel getting taken away from Eve and Ian.Eve had a little fight with Lucy and it was just a big fight that was like it's your fault no it's her fault...
And then finally Livvie figures out that she is the one doing all of the bad things and that she is helping out Caleb.

Also on the show the lawyer of the family who has Hope came to Val and told her she couldn't see Hope again.Ali blames herself and her and jack go to their house and try to convince them to let Hope and Val see each other.They refuse and they kick both of them out.And then we see the birth mark of Hope and we go to Jamal and see the same birthmark on Jamal....very cool thing that they did.

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