Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 13-Nov-2001

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Tue, 13-Nov-2001 10:36:15 PM PST

Jack and Livvie meet for a drink at the request of Livvie. After their drinks are brought to the table, Livvie laces Jacks drink with poison. Rafe runs into Jack shortly after and Jack makes a startling discovery. He sees his napkin get eaten away by whatever was in his drink and comes to realize that, by process of elimination, Livvie was trying to kill him. He confronts her with his accusations.

Livvie returns to Caleb in the catacombs and reports that she did her best to kill off Jack, but Rafe interfered and it didn't work. Caleb quietly told Livvie that was ok, as he has other plans for Jack now. Caleb also commended her on her faithfulness and now believes she really wants to be with him. Caleb tells her he wants her to break up Jamal and Allison.

Frank confronts Karen about finding cocaine in her purse. Karen tells him that Chris injected her with vampire serum and sets out to prove it. She takes Frank to the hospital and quizzes Chris and acts like he knows nothing (snake!). Frank is further convinced Karen has a problem and leaves, leaving Chris grinning at Karen. Frank hears Gabby talking about the after effects of being a vampire, the incredible energy, euphoria, etc. and Frank suddenly realizes Karen is probably telling the truth after all. He races back to the on-call room but can't find Karen. Chris has taken her to the catacombs to show her what he life could become were she to go into full vampire mode. However, if she let him experiment on her, he could control her "vampireness" (my word-not his!). Karen is furious and leaves.

On the next Port Charles...Ian tries to see his son.

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