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Port Charles Update for Monday, 3-Dec-2001

Author: bradleyteach
Posting date: Tue, 04-Dec-2001 8:36:43 AM PST

In the first episode of “Miracles Happen,” Lucy rejoins her friends, alive and well. Livvie never killed her; they worked together to make it appear so to Caleb. Lucy tells everyone how Livvie saved them all, and then she kneels down to remove the arrow from Caleb. He immediately ages, shriveling up into an old man. The walls and illusions disappear. Everyone gawks at Caleb’s body; Kevin holds his girls and Karen keeps up the charade with Chris. Alison and Rafe arrive to see what is left of Caleb. Jamal embraces Alison and ignores Valerie, who’s trying desperately to get his attention. Jack is still distant from Livvie. Ian doubts that their lives will ever return to normal. Kevin reminds Eve that she still won’t be able to take her baby back home with her, so she decides she’s going to stay at Kevin’s. Lucy is not surprised when Kevin tells her it’s not the ideal time to discuss their situation.

Back home with Chris, Karen is disappointed that Caleb’s demise has not reversed her rapid aging process. Chris tries to encourage her, but she feels certain that her situation is hopeless.

In the woods, the men dig a grave for Caleb. Valerie continues to play helpless and begs Jamal not to leave her alone. Alison tries to talk Rafe into joining them at the Recovery Room, but his job is done and he must be on his way. Livvie explains to Jack why she wasn’t up front with him about how she was only pretending to help Caleb. She even tells him about when she poisoned his drink, that she had written a note on his napkin saying not to drink it, but he never saw it before his glass was knocked over. She still loves him but he does still not trust her.

Lucy tosses the music box into the grave with Caleb and Ian erects a wooden cross (and no one is going to notice a freshly dug grave with a marker?). Suddenly, a burst of sun comes out of nowhere – a new day and a new beginning.

After the residents of Port Charles are on their way, Ed compliments Rafe on a job well done, and tells him that he still has work to do. He has until Christmas Eve to repair the damage that Caleb has done and get each person back with his or her correct partner. If it doesn’t happen by then, they’ll lose their chance. Rafe is unsure that he can make this happen, they are all feeling so hopeless. Some are leaning on the wrong person (Karen), some don’t know where to start (Jack and Livvie), some are alone and hurting (Ian, Lucy). But in the end, Rafe realizes it’s all up to him and he knows what they need and what he has to do.

Tomorrow, Alison and Jamal try to reconnect. Eve and Danny visit Ian.

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