Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Thursday, 6-Dec-2001

Author: ddkcloser
Posting date: Fri, 07-Dec-2001 10:13:01 PM PST

Rafe goes about the day trying to get Livvie and Jack back together again. He consoles Livvie as she tells him Jack has left town and probably wants nothing to do with her. Rafe also tries to talk Jack into rethinking his decision to leave town. Later, Rafe arranges for Livvie and Jack to run into each other at a place that is special for both of them, hoping by getting them together perhaps they can work things out.

Frank refuses to believe Karen has left him for Chris. He storms over to Chris' house and tells him he isn't leaving until he sees Karen. Chris tells him to accept the past as what it is and leave them alone. Frank spots a syringe on the couch and is suspicious, but tells Chris nothing of what he has seen. He leaves and Karen straggles out to the living room looking worse than ever. Chris is hoping his new formula will reverse the effects of the vampire serum and restore Karen to health. Frank barges through the door, sees Karen and the look of death, and accuses Chris of supplying her with drugs. He assures Karen they can deal with anything as long as they are together. Frank punches Chris unconcious and carries Karen off to safety.

Now that Ian and Eve have Danny returned to them, they are left to wonder if they can pick up the pieces to their lives. Eve asks Ian if they can be together again, and Ian says he is unsure whether they can leave the past in the past. Ian is having a hard time forgetting how much distrust Eve had for him, and acknowledges that it may be hard for Eve to get over knowing Ian and Lucy slept together.

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