Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Thursday, 28-Mar-2002

Author: bradleyteach
Posting date: Thu, 28-Mar-2002 11:33:38 AM PST

Rafe faces off with Paige and demands to know what she wants with Alison. Paige spills the beans about the family secret and how thrilled she is to have family but Rafe is still hostile towards her. He tells her his dream of Alison filling the 5th chair and how death and danger seem to follow Paige. Paige pleads with him to let her see Alison and complete her journey. He seems to weaken and goes inside to “explain” the situation to Alison but when Rafe takes too long, Paige gets suspicious. She discovers they’ve fled the barn. As Rafe and Alison run through the countryside, she becomes suspicious and demands that he tell her what’s wrong.

Ricky sneaks into the warehouse to find Jamal bound and gagged. He is hit from behind. Soon they are both tied to chairs and JD sets the warehouse on fire and escapes with his goons. Meanwhile, back at Ricky’s apartment, Casey becomes suspicious and remembers the address he’s written down. At first she thinks he’s gone off to see another woman, but then realizes he’s in trouble. Casey makes her way to the warehouse and tries to get in to free them. (Try that d*** key around your neck, why don’t you?!?!?). As she struggles to open the door, Jamal topples over and Ricky tells her it’s too late, to just run and save herself.

Ian hears Amy’s voice in his head, begging him to love her and make her final wish come true. Meanwhile, Amy crushes the spider after extracting its venom. Eve gets organized for vacation and gives Ian a gift, which he doesn’t have time to open before Eve’s beeper goes off and his cellphone rings. Ian receives a phone call from Amy. She understands he won’t betray his wife, but won’t he please come and spend her last few hours with her, she doesn’t want to die alone again. He agrees. Meanwhile, Amy replays Harris’ death in her mind and his demand that she get revenge. She promises to avenge his death just as Ian arrives.

On the final episode of “Secrets,” Rafe tells the truth, Casey tries to save Ricky and Amy & Ian share a toast.

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