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Port Charles Update for Friday, 26-Apr-2002

Author: bradleyteach
Posting date: Sat, 27-Apr-2002 9:57:50 AM PST

Rafe, on conscience duty, tries to focus on work but is thinking of Alison, as usual. As he keeps glancing at the Danger door, Ed arrives. Rafe nearly attacks him, demanding to know whether he is being tempted or tested, and why. Ed reminds him that temptation hides behind every door, that he must fight it, beat it and move on. Ed assures him that his feelings toward Alison will lessen and disappear over time. This isn't what Rafe wants to hear. As soon as Ed walks out, leaving Rafe alone with his questions, the white phone rings. James reminds him that the deal is still on the table. Rafe immediately storms out the danger door, to confront James and tell him that he's not interested and to leave him alone. James tells Rafe he can only be tempted by things he truly wants and then, in his best mocking way, drops a bomb on Rafe - Ed is his father.

Kevin is badly cut after the pitchfork falls. Alison tries to help him, but he is really angry with her for ignoring his warnings to close down the shop. He tells her that Jack is in the hospital because of the candles and he tells her about Frank's reaction. Alison insists that there's nothing harmful in her candles and that she never sold one to Frank. Alison pleads with Kevin to understand that Rafe and the shop are all that mean anything to her, she's already lost Rafe and if she loses the shop, she will have nothing. Her tears move him, but although he holds her and offers comfort, he ends up telling her she needs to give both Rafe and the Pink Rose up. While Kevin is outside, Rebecca swears to Alison that there is nothing dangerous in the candles and that it's just people's fear that brings out a bad reaction. Rebecca tells her that if she closes up the shop, "they" won't get away with it.

Jack, in the hospital, insists that Livvie tampered with the candle that made him sick. He says that she crossed the line but she plays a good game, pretending she knows nothing about it, and seems to have Lucy convinced. Lucy reminds her that Alison could go to prison, and her response is pretty much "Yes, what a shame, oh well." When Lucy leaves, Jack sarcastically compliments her performance and demands to know why, if he's on her side and trusts her completely, she's lying. Jack is angry that Livvie doesn't care who she hurts in her witch-hunt. Livvie tells him she's sick of protecting Alison and that he's not hearing reason. As she storms out, he tells her not to come back without the truth.

Back at the lighthouse, Lucy calls Ian. She tells him that she's getting a weird vibe that keeps getting stronger and she needs someone to talk to.

Kevin is the candle shop alone, drawn to Rebecca's portrait. She suddenly steps out, much to his surprise. He thinks he's hallucinating. She lights the candle she holds, and Kevin vanishes.

On Monday, Lucy and Alison wonder where Kevin is; Rafe confronts Ed about their relationship and Karen takes drastic action with Frank.

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