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Port Charles Update for Friday, 3-May-2002

Author: Livvie1
Posting date: Thu, 06-Jun-2002 6:05:37 PM PST

James manipulates Rafe into signing over his soul by revealing that Alison will take the blame for Kevin's supposed death without Rafe's help. Jamal overhears Mac tell Ian that tests proved that Kevin's blood soiled the sweater found in Alison's trunk. Jamal rushes off to warn Alison of her imminent arrest for Kevin's murder. Livvie refuses to let Jamal stand in the way of Alison's arrest, and Jack remains unable to convince Livvie of her mistakes. Instead, Livvie blames Jack for helping Alison murder Kevin, and she vows to never forgive him. Lucy refuses to believe that Kevin has been murdered when Ian arrives with the sobering news, but she is unable to find an explanation for Kevin's disappearance in her cards.

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