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Port Charles Update for Monday, 6-May-2002

Author: bradleyteach
Posting date: Tue, 07-May-2002 9:13:59 AM PST

Jack finds Livvie by their special place near the water, tearfully talking to Kevin as if he were dead. She cries to Jack about how alone she feels, and he tries to connect with her, reminding her of how hard they have fought to be together. Livvie regrets that she wasn’t a better daughter to Kevin, that they spent their last days fighting and she just wishes that she could see him once more to tell him how much he meant to her. She swears to avenge his death and wants to know if he is on her side or not. Jack tells her that she has to be honest with him about drugging the candles, planting the blood soaked sweater in Alison’s car, everything. She suddenly becomes suspicious and accuses Jack of carrying a recording device in his jacket, which turns out to be nothing more than a discman. She tries to justify her suspicions but it’s too late; Jack realizes that she doesn’t care about him, them or the truth and leaves.

Alison’s attorney arrives at the police station. Alison is taken to a cell (with her jewelry intact!). Kate, the attorney, tells Alison that she needs to see the seriousness of her situation and to stop offering information to the police. Alison trusts Mac, but Kate tells her that Mac will do whatever he can to make Ali incriminate herself. The blood evidence is very incriminating and the police realize that she must have had help, given Kevin’s size. Meanwhile, Mac voices his suspicions to Jamal, reminding him of the last time he helped Alison cover up a murder. Jamal insists he wasn’t involved and neither was Alison. Mac tries to appeal to Jamal, reminding him of Kevin’s family and to please lead them to the body so his loved ones can say goodbye. When Mac can’t break Jamal down, he tells him that if he is lying, he’d better pray that Mac never finds out. When Jamal visits Alison in her cell, they discuss how he heard her incriminate herself while speaking to Rebecca’s portrait. He tells her that he will perjure himself if necessary to protect her, but she won’t hear of it. He tells her the one way that he’s guaranteed not to be called to testify against her – she has to marry him.

James continues to turn on the pressure as Rafe hesitates over signing his soul away. James tells him they are not in a negotiation, but Rafe begs to differ and offers his terms. James decides that Rafe isn’t interested and retracts the offer but Rafe runs after him, into the dark side, and signs the contract. James immediately calls him a stupid fool, for signing his soul away for love. Rafe swears never to be like “you” but James reminds him that’s exactly what Rafe is now. Rafe is ready to go back to Earth and be with Alison, but not so fast. Rafe will go back when James decides and not a moment sooner. James storms off, leaving Rafe alone between two worlds. He can’t follow James into hell and his access to heaven is now denied. Ed opens the door and tells Rafe that he’s sorry but Rafe doesn’t belong there anymore.

Tomorrow, Lucy still can’t admit that Kevin is dead; Alison tells Jamal that she is already married and Ed tells Rafe that things are different now.

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