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Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 7-May-2002

Author: LeLeLemc
Posting date: Tue, 07-May-2002 2:56:42 PM PST

Tuesday May 7,'02

Lucy finds herself the victim of well meaning sympathetic friends, which sets the tone for most of the episode. First Victor and Mary check on Lucy. Victor says his security clearance is still high enough to get people to dig into the dissapearance. He is optimistic. Mary tells Lucy Victor is devastated and can't accept the fact Kevin is gone, while Lucy says he should believe his son is alive as does she. Kevin isn't dead.

Ed tells Rafe there is no getting back through the Heavenly door now.

With Allison behind bars. Jamal proposes to her. This will keep him from having to testify that he heard Alli tell the portrait she felt responsible for what happened to Kevin.

Karen and Frank appear at Lucy's at the same time. Frank apologizes to Karen for his dangerous eratic behavior. He is especially upset about Kevin, because he feels the Doc was so close to pinpointing the problem (Which he did with the candle, but because of Ricky's shenanigan and Livvie's tampering nobody believes the candle is responsible). Mary attacks Karen verbally for committing her son. Frank says Karen protected him from assault charges by doing this and that he alone is responsible for his violent acts. Meanwhile, more Nurses like Colleen show up and bring food. Lucy is more than ticked off that everyone is treating this like a wake. Kevin is only missing after all.

Jamal reminds Allison of their past hopes and dreams of a wedding. He confesses he still loves and wants to protect her. She drops the big bombshell that she is already married to Rafe. At least in her heart. The marriage was only symbolic. She tells Jamal he needs to marry someone who will put him as #1 and not someone pineing over someone else (Too bad he didn't have this advice when Val showed up. Could have saved everyone a lot of grief).

Ed is livid that Rafe behaved in such a childish naive way. "Didn't you read the fine print". You could go back as an old man or a frog. Rafe thought he would go back as is (However promos and James foreshadowing tell us that he will be physically be the same, but will we see the dark side of Rafe??). Ed tells his son he lived the good life, fought the good fight, why oh why would he blow it after being in Heaven for eternal Hell. Rafe says he understands and accepts the consequences and hopes Ed doesn't get in trouble for the decision that he made.

While Collen and another Nurse are blithering about the loss of Kevin, Lucy loses it and says if one more person treats Kevin as dead she is no longer responsible for what she will do. Karen blows it by saying "We just want to be here for you" everyone just wants to help. That was the last straw and Lucy throws everybody out (good for her)throwing things at the door as the uninvited guests hurriedly exit.

Once outside, Karen asks Frank "Where do we go from here." Frank says to let things ride while he comes up with the solution for his behavior. He can't trust himself to keep her safe from himself right now.

Feeling guilty about her tirade. Lucy asks Ian how rude was she. Ian says they are your friends and will understand. He asks Lucy how she and the Doc met up, which allows Lucy to recount numerous Nurses Balls.

Rafe tells Ed he thought he could leave and return to Heaven and deal, but it is too hard and his beloved Allison needs him. Ed suggests he will talk with the demonic James and make a compromise(Yea, right). Rafe says No! You fought your battles and now I must fight mine.

Alli doesn't want to hurt Jamal with the details of her love for Rafe, but Jamal gets the message loud and clear. He tells her to get practical. Rafe isn't here, but he is and he is the one who can protect her with this marriage. She says the key to her innocence is talking to Rebecca once she gets out of jail on bail. She will be able to prove herself she believes. Enter Doree who says Kevin is a respected citizen, not a chance will they let you out on bail (Does Doree not know who Allison Barrington is? Livvie thinks her family's clout will protect alli from prosecution. Thus the reason for sticking the sweater in Alli's car)

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