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Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 4-Jun-2002

Author: slvrpatronus
Posting date: Tue, 04-Jun-2002 3:06:51 PM PST

Frank calls his brother Joe and asks him if he knows why Frank ran away when he was a child. Joe says he is not sure why Frank ran away but that before he ran away he told Joe, "Never look in the living room closet."
Frank approaches the closet in the living room and hears his mothers voice in his head, "Don't wake the boys." He then opens the closet and shuts himself in.
Frank has a flashback to when he was a little boy, hiding in the closet, and he sees a couple kissing in the living room. Then you see Frank as a little boy stepping out of the closet. By the shadows, you can see there is some sort of a scuffle. You hear a man yell, "Leave her alone," and "Get out of here." Then you hear a woman say, "Frank, no!" and then it sounds like someone gets hit.
After the flashback in the closet, Frank is sitting on the front porch when Mary comes home. He tells her he has remembered why he ran away from home and what he saw. He explains he knows she had a lover and that he saw them together. Then his father came home and caught her with her lover and yelled things at her like, "You whore!" and "Cheap slut!" He also explains that then he saw his father hit her. Mary tries to deny everything. Frank tells her it's okay, that he doesn't blame her. He knows how horrible his father was. She still tries to deny it all and tells Frank it must be from some nightmare he had.

Alison's lawyer Kate shows up at Lucy's house and shows her the pictures that Jack took in the barn, reflecting what happened with Rebecca 120 years ago. Kate says she wants to know how this is possible. She's now more open minded than when she first took the case. She begins reviewing Rebecca's case with Lucy, and says she now sees the parallels between Rebecca and Alison. Lucy and Kate agree they have the same goal: to find Kevin before Alison's trial starts.
Lucy explains to Kate that Kevin is not dead and that he is with Rebecca. She tries explaining to Kate that Rebecca used to come out of her portrait. It's all very hard for Kate to digest. In her typical Lucy fashion, Lucy muses to Kate, "Your poor little pit bull head's about to pop, isn't it?" Lucy then explains to Kate that she simply needs to, "Take a leap of faith."
Lucy then has a sudden idea. She explains to Kate how Rebecca supposedly put a curse on Port Charles. She reviews the parallels between Rebecca and Alison. Then she explains to Kate that in order to secure Alison's future, they need to first go back and clear Rebecca's case. Doing so will come to prove both women's innocence and lift the curse.

As Kevin continues being upset about being trapped, Rebecca explains to him that it could be worse - at least he didn't die as she did. Then she shows him how she was hung. The memory is reflected in a pool of water. Kevin asks how she got stuck here after dying, that it is neither Heaven nor Hell. She explained that she felt justice should be served for her wrong death. She felt Alison could uncover the truth, but now she is just stuck again. She then apologizes again to Kevin for taking him away. She explains to him that the place could be paradise. She has him close his eyes and wish for his favorite fruit, drink, and music. She makes each one appear for him. He's quite impressed. Then she asks him for a wish. Of course, he wishes to be home with Lucy. She regrets to inform him that's the one wish that cannot be granted. He tells her this is all wrong, and that this place can not be paradise for it is hell. He claims it's not fair that he's been ripped away from Lucy. Rebecca explains, "Life isn't fair." She tells him how happy she is to have someone else's voice to comfort her aside from her own and that as long as they are stuck, they may as well make the best of it.

On the next Port Charles: Superstition

Ricky goes to the hospital and approaches Karen in the main lobby saying, "I've got something to show you." Karen replies, "I told you, we're not having sex again Ricky." But it seems someone overhears...
Alison is in the barn waiting for Rafe and gets excited when she hears someone coming through the door. She yells with joy, "I knew you'd come back!" but opens the door to see Livvie.

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