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Port Charles Update for Friday, 7-Jun-2002

Author: LeLeLemc
Posting date: Fri, 07-Jun-2002 6:40:34 PM PST

Livvie's plot to keep Rafe close at hand is foiled again, when she inadvertantly drinks Rafe's wine that has the sleeping powder she put in it. After she is fast asleep, Rafe uses the time to sneek out and check the local hotspot to see if it jogs his memory. The place recommended as a popular spot by the Chamber of Commerce is none other than the Recovery Room. Rafe stands outside the door contemplating his entry when a new waitress tells him it's a private party tonight, but come back another time.

Meanwhile, inside the Recovery Room, Lucy, Ian and Allison are preparing for Christina's birthday party. Kate is there doing double duty working on Ali's case and trying to find old information that may clear her supernatural client,Rebecca, from a 120 year old murder wrap. She wants to work where Ali, Ian and Lucy are so that if any questions arise she has them close by (Plus I see a potential match between Ian and Kate being toyed with, but, is it too soon? I think so). Ali tells Kate she senses Rafe nearby. "What's keeping him then," Kate quizes. Ali doesn't know, but she senses him with every fiber.

Back at the cabin in a deep slumber our Sleeping Beauty Livvie is visited via the dream world by Momma Rachal. Mom soothes and strokes Livvie as she laments her woes of her Dads death, Jacks betrayal and Allisons refusal to listen. She tells her mother what a wonderful guy Rafe is and that she is second guessing her own plot to take him away from Ali. She may be falling for him herself, though she knows he still loves Ali even if he can not remember her or anybody. Momma Rachal assures Livvie that if she gets him to stay with her he will love her as much as she does. Livvie wonders why Ali gets all the love and support from so many wonderful people (One can be sympathetic to her new found logic when you factor in the fact that those who have given her great love and support were her malicious mother, nutty nana, and the vivaciously vicous vampire. Although she has forgotten what newly found Daddy Doc and now jealous Jack have attempted to offer). With Rachel as her conscience, Livvie puts her plan into overdrive.

As Rafe stands helplessly lost outside the Recovery Room holding his single pink Rose. Christina escapes the party and the little girl asks Him to join them. Kate hastily appears and tells little Christina her mom would be worried and not to run off. She thanks Rafe for the interception of the tyke and returns indoors with Christina (it's quite a pattern. everyone who sees Rafe are too new to town or too young to recognize him). Christina tells Lucy about the man outside, but before she goes out to meet him Allison appears. As they are talking Ali catches a glimpse of her man outside. She rushes out to catch him, but he's gone. She thinks it's her imagination until she sees the single pink rose on the bench.

Inside, Lucy gathers everyone for pictures. Victor looks at Danny and remembers Ryan and Kevin at that age. He tears up and says it was immpossible then to believe he would ever end up loosing both his boys. As Kate takes the family picture the pain and loss in Lucy's eyes become more apparrant the harder she tries to keep a brave front for the picture (Lynn Herring could win an Emmy off that scene alone. It was tremendously touching and well timed with so many emotions subtley portrayed in an instant!!)

When Rafe returns Livvie greets him with enthusiasm. She has the perfect plan to get his memory back. They should Marry!!!!

PS There were a few small scenes with Kevin and Rebecca. The jist of it was that Kevin's family thinks he is dead (so not true). That Livvie slashed the portrait and now Rebecca can't get. Becca says resign yourself to fate. Kevin refuses. They fight about who is judging who, then hug and makeup.
The end

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