Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 31-Jul-2002

Author: suemcg32
Posting date: Thu, 01-Aug-2002 5:33:17 PM PST

Alison filled in a shift waitressing and ran into Rafe. He actually followed her there and they once again fought off feelings and agreed to stay out of eachothers way.

Livie got the avatar to admit her baby was human. He indicated it was special and very powerful which of course please the heck out of Livie. She indicated she would never reveal his true identity. She then went back to the hospital in time to snuggle with unknowing Rafe.

Lucy convinced a doctor friend to do a test on Livie to determine the paternity of the baby because she does not believe Rafe the father. Oh that sneaky Lucy is at it again.

Alison failed to realize Jack is feeling more than just friendship.

Meanwhile, Jamal and Marissa were having lunch and she joked on a small piece of bread. Jamal saved her and this put a lightbulb on for Marissa who thought to pretend Jamal was attacking her to bring out the Avatar. She even pretended to scream and you could see the Avatars shadow. Then Jamal indicated he would help but he did not want to be the Avatar's victim and Marissa laughed agreeingly and the Avatar backed off.

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