Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Thursday, 22-Aug-2002

Author: RoxanneT
Posting date: Thu, 22-Aug-2002 10:00:10 AM PST

Port Charles, Thursday, August 22/02

Ian finds Karen at Eve’s grave as she rhapsodizes about ‘Lancelot’. He tells her he understands her talking to Eve’s spirit, and asks her about her encounter with ‘Lancelot’. She brushes him off. At the hospital, Karen feels ‘Lancelot’s’ presence. Frank finds Karen, and also questions her about ‘Lancelot’,

Rafe asks Livvie what she’s doing in the park with Frank, and Frank leaves with a veiled threat to Livvie and her baby. Rafe tells Livvie he has a plan to get rid of the Avatar; she tries to talk him out of his plan, but he is adamant that he is going on with it. Ian tells Rafe not to frighten Livvie, but then decides they’ll keep the information between the three of them. Ian tells them that Karen was taken to the Avatar’s lair, and they plan to use Karen to lure the Avatar out in the open, get the shroud, and expose it, in order to destroy it’s power. Ian tells Karen they plan to capture ‘Lancelot’ that very night. Meanwhile, Frank believes that he’ll have Karen very soon.

Lucy sets up a séance, hoping to raise the spirit of Ed and get some answers. Kevin comes upon the candle lit scene and is happy to think Lucy is trying to seduce him. Just when they decide to move the action upstairs, Alison comes by because Lucy had asked her to help with the séance. I guess the seduction is off!

Alison is not happy with staying in the same room with Jack in Bermuda, and thinks he thinks they will sleep together. He denies it, and says he just wants to make her happy.

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