Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 4-Sep-2002

Author: cjc2
Posting date: Thu, 05-Sep-2002 8:54:44 PM PST

Ricky's Apartment
Marissa finds Ricky on the floor beat to a pulp. Ricky tells her Lancelot did it.

Recovery Room
Jamal and Alison discussing Rafe (what else). Alison tells Jamal that she needs to get Rafe to fall in love with her again so he doesn't spend eternity rotting in Hell.

Livvie's & Rafe's Apartment
Rafe is trying to find out why Livvie is so upset. Livvie flashes back to stabbing Kevin with the syringe. Livvie screams that she can't find her father.

((Opening Theme))

Ricky's Apartment
Frank (in paramedic mode) comes in to tend to Ricky. He wants to know why Lancelot attacked him. Ricky says he brought Karen to his apartment to get her away from Frank. Frank says Lancelot probably thought he had kidnapped her that's why he beat him to a pulp.

Livvie's & Rafe's Apartment
Rafe is patiently trying to understand why Livvie is so upset. Asks if she thinks the Avatar has her father. She still screams about her father being missing and then proceeds to blame everybody (but herself) for her problems. She screams that she's not crazy (although, she's doing a pretty good job acting like it). Rafe loses patience and starts screaming back explaining that Kevin is probably just fine. Rafe says he is sick of her overreacting and blaming him. He says he's tired of all this and wants to be free from feeling like he has to protect the world and that he wants to have a normal life.

Recovery Room
Alison and Jamal still discussing Rafe. Jamal says she should shake things up. Make Rafe think he's going to lose Alison forever. Jamal comes up with the idea of Alison using him to make Rafe jealous.

Marissa and Frank bring Ricky in on a gurney. Karen runs up and asks what happened. Marissa says it was Lancelot. Karen shoots Frank a look. Frank says Lancelot thought Ricky had kidnapped her and it was good that Marissa got there when she did. They take Ricky to an exam room. Karen apologizes for what happened to him and that what Lancelot did was unforgiveable and that she was obviously wrong about him.

Recovery Room
Alison thinks Jamal is nuts with his idea and questions how Marissa will feel about it. He says she will be fine with it. She says she would feel guilty trying to trick Rafe and thanks Jamal for his offer, but declines.

Livvie's & Rafe's Apartment
Livvie blames her outburst on hormones. She says her dad never showed. Rafe questions what she said earlier about Kevin being there. She covers her tracks by saying she didn't remember what she said and that she was probably just overreacting. She apologizes to Rafe and says that she didn't mean anything she said earlier. Rafe leaves to get dinner. Livvie calls the guy who sold her the drugs and demands that he come right over.

Karen examining Ricky. She apologizes again and says that he didn't deserve to get beat up. Ricky says it's good she has a couple of crazy guys watching her back - Frank and Lancelot. Karen says he won't have to worry about either of them, that this shouldn't have happened to him. He says it wasn't her fault. Karen goes to get Ricky painkillers. Ricky thanks Marissa for getting him help. Marissa asks about Karen. Ricky says they aren't together anymore. Marissa says she going to write different stories about Lancelot and that she's going to give him a different name. Ricky says he doesn't want her messing with Lancelot. He doesn't want her to get hurt. He says he's sorry about creeping her out about all the Casey "stuff". He asks why she came by the apartment. She says that she wanted to tell him about Lancelot still being alive and that she wanted to talk to him some more about Casey.

Frank and Karen in hallway in argument about what happened to Ricky. Frank says he thought Ricky was hurting her and that he needed to learn that he couldn't take her away. Karen says she can't forgive him. Frank says "of course you will". Karen says as long as he is out of control she doesn't want to have anything to do with him. Frank: "You don't understand, Karen, I can't be controlled".

Recovery Room
Jamal is still trying to talk Alison into going along with his plan. Rafe walks in. Alison goes to the bar to talk to Rafe. Jamal interrupts their conversation by planting a wet one on Ali and asks Rafe if he's heard the good news - that he and Ali are back together.

Livvie's & Rafe's Apartment
Livvie asks the drug dealer (DD) what would happen if someone took double the dosage of the drug. DD: "Either he's gone crazy or he's dead". DD leaves. Avatar shadow appears on door to the apartment.

Ian: This boyfriend of yours sounds like a real jerk to me.
Kate: How dare you.

Jamal (to Rafe): Alison and I never stopped loving each other.
Marissa (from behind): Oh, really. That's news to me.

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