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Port Charles Update for Thursday, 5-Sep-2002

Author: cjc2
Posting date: Fri, 06-Sep-2002 4:50:33 PM PST

Manhattan Restaurant
Ian with his buddy Timothy discussing how Ian had caught the Avatar and that it got away. Tim's "mum" is taking care of Daniel. Ian looks around the room and Tim wants to know who he's looking for. Tim gets up to use the phone. Kate walks in and sits down next to Ian. Kate: "If you're following me, I'm going to be very angry."

Recovery Room
Jamal is going on and on about how he and Alison are back together. Rafe doesn't look too happy.

Lucy is calling around looking for Kevin. She gets a phone call, but the person on the other end doesn't say anything. Victor comes in after having looked for "Monk". Lucy is getting very agitated and Victor is trying to calm her down. Lucy: "I know he's missing, Victor. I can feel it."

((Opening Theme))

Manhattan Restaurant
Ian denies following Kate. He tells her that he is there for a good reason. That he is leaving Danny with a friend. Timothy walks up and Ian introduces them. Timothy leaves. Small talk. Ian asks her to join him for dinner. Kate accepts. Ian asks about her boyfriend and says he thinks he's a jerk. Kate gets miffed.

Recovery Room
More of the same from Jamal. Rafe says he's not upset and if that's what Alison wants..yadda, yadda, yadda. Jamal says they never stopped loving each other. Marissa, behind Jamal: "Oh really. That's news to me."...(heheheh).

Manhattan Restaurant
Kate and Ian still discussing Kate's boyfriend. Kate is defending him and says that it was her fault for the breakup. That she spent too much time working and not enough time with him. Kate gets up to leave. Ian: "Kate, why do you keep running from me?"

Recovery Room
Marissa is really lighting into Jamal. Accusing him of lying to her when he said he was over Alison. Alison interrupts the argument. Appreciates what Jamal is trying to do. She tells Marissa that she and Jamal are not back together. Jamal says the same. Rafe and Marissa are confused. Rafe is angry that they lied to him and then the little lightbulb goes off over his head...he is on to their little scheme. Rafe: "You wanted to make a fool out of me?"

Victor is trying to calm Lucy down. There's a reasonable explanation why Kevin is not home. Mac shows up. Lucy tells Mac that she feels something has happened to Kevin. Mac thinks Lucy is overreacting. Lucy tells him that Kevin had gone to see Livvie and she was expecting him to come home and that's why she's so worried. She doesn't tell them why Kevin went to see Livvie, only that he never showed up there. She tells them that she's been getting phone calls where nobody answers back and she wants to know who's calling her. Mac says they will trace the calls. Phone rings. Mac answers. It's for Victor. Victor: "He's where? Oh, my God!". The call was from the Constable on Jasmine Island who says that they saw Kevin there. Mac, Lucy and Victor question why Kevin would go to JI. Victor brings up the bad memories of JI where he, Melanie, Kevin and Ryan used to live. They bring up Kevin's last visit there and how it almost destroyed him. Lucy talks about Kevin's fears for Livvie and maybe that's why he went there. Lucy says she needs to go to JI. Victor tells her it's no use. The constable told him that he'd already left. They have no idea where he could have gone.

Manhattan Restaurant
Kate says she can't get involved with Ian. Ian says "it's only dinner". Kate wants to know why Ian is really there. He says he wanted to see her and that he missed her. Some guy (Sam) walks up and starts harrassing Kate. Sam says she bounced another check and now he wants his money in cash.

Recovery Room
Jamal tells Rafe it was his idea and not to be angry with Alison. Marissa is still very angry at Jamal and yells at him and storms out of the bar. Alison tells him to go after her. Alison tries to apologize to Rafe, but Rafe's really not in the mood to accept and leaves.

Mac has every cop he can spare out looking for Kevin and tells Lucy not to worry. Lucy is ready to start searching for Kevin. Both Mac and Victor tell her she should stay home in case Kevin comes back there. Mac and Victor leave. Lucy talking to herself. Wondering why Kevin went to Jasmine Island. Kevin walks in...smiling. Lucy hugs him immediately. Kevin has a very Ryanesque look on his face...hmmmm.

Kate: I've just had a slight cashflow problem since I quit my job.
Ian: You're a liar. Try again.

Lucy (to Kevin): You're so different. What is going on with you?
Shows Kevin with a devilish grin.

Frank: I promised you punishment, Livvie. You knew I was coming.
Livvie: Help!

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